
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Causes and symptoms of auditory problems

The problems of hearing are a very widespread phenomenon and can cause considerable inconvenience in the personal and working life of those affected. However, medical science has progressed steadily over the past few decades, making possible solutions even for the most acute and disabling illnesses. In this brief but exhaustive guide we propose a fundamental analysis of causes, symptoms, main hearing disorders and solutions.

How to solve and prevent hearing problems
Older age is the primary cause of fading of hearing abilities. It is a physiological phenomenon of aging that takes the name of "presbycusis", caused by the wear and tear of cells located in the ear, which causes increasing difficulties for the central processing of the sound stimulus and for the location of sound sources .

Hereditary factors also play an often decisive role in hearing disorders; those who are aware of being exposed are responsible for carrying out frequent and accurate monitoring and paying attention not to underestimate the first symptoms (which we will discuss in the next paragraph).

Far from being physiological, and growing exponentially, are the damage to the hearing apparatus due to continued exposure to excessively loud sounds and noises. Recent studies claim that in reality a single traumatic event is enough to compromise hearing in a serious or even permanent way. In summary, if the hair cells can partly survive, the connected nerve fibers (which channel electrical signals to the brain) "could instead suffer permanent damage". Unlike the two previous points, each of us can play an active and decisive role in avoiding events of this type.

Acting actively is also possible with regard to two other elements harmful to hearing: smoking and the use of compromising drugs.

Finally, in addition to accidents and traumatic events, some diseases, especially meningitis and ear infections, cause significant hearing impairment.

The symptoms of hearing loss have the distinction of being so common and on paper that they are easy to identify as guiltily neglected. This happens for 2 main reasons:

1) This is a medium-long term phenomenon with a progressive trend, of which the interested subject struggles to acquire consciousness.

2) The closest people tend to underestimate and minimize the signals, sometimes confusing them with generalized drops in attention.

Continuous requests to repeat what was said, difficulty in understanding, listening to music and television at high volumes, the impossibility of interaction in noisy and chaotic contexts, are warnings that should not be left out. To safeguard the ear, a delicate and fundamental organ for our relational life, it is opportune to promptly request a consultation that can identify the problem and package the most appropriate solution.

The earwax cap, often related to incorrect hygiene practices, is the most trivial of discomforts, and is eradicated during the specialist visit.

Hypocausia is one of the diseases that afflicts more subjects all over the planet, and can result in a hearing loss of different degrees depending on the severity (mild, medium, deep, deafness). We distinguish different types of hypocausia depending on the age of the affected individual and the location of the auditory damage (central, neurosensory, mixed hypocausia). The treatment consists in compensating the sensory deficit, through miniaturized hearing aids with microphone and amplifier.

Tinnitus is the perception of a sound in the absence of an external source, affecting between 10 and 15 percent of adults. The guidelines for the fight against tinnitus, developed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, recommend first of all:

a) obtain a complete initial audiological examination

b) recommend sound therapy to patients with persistent and bothersome tinnitus.

Once established whether the patient suffers from primary tinnitus (associated with sensorineural hearing loss) or secondary, a series of countermeasures can be implemented.

- HEARING AID. The latest generation devices showed fast and significant progress in the fight against tinnitus, whose negative effects could only be weakened previously.

- SOUND THERAPY. It induces "a sense of relief from the stress of tinnitus and distracts attention from the malaise, making the patient accustom to tinnitus using different acoustic devices".

- COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY. Recommended for patients with persistent tinnitus, it includes "behavioral interventions, such as the use of relaxation techniques, exposure to dreaded stimuli, instructions for sleep hygiene and sound enrichment".

In conclusion, the well-being of the ear is fundamental both for our serenity and for a full and satisfying social life. The disorders are very common, but at the same time medical science has long strived to provide effective solutions.
As documented by the leaders of the sector, currently there are available on the market non-invasive, invisible, easily rechargeable and technologically innovative hearing aids to meet countless needs. Proper prevention of risk factors and constant monitoring of symptoms complete the picture to enjoy adequate hearing capacity until the old age. Our advice is to go to and book a diagnostic visit to the center closest to your home.

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