
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Danger anorexia: all you need to know

The data of the Italian Association of Food and Weight Disorders (Aidap), reveal that out of 100 people between 13 and 25 years, about 1% suffer from anorexic episodes: in 90% of cases it is belonging to sex women, although in recent times there has been a significant increase among men. The average age of the onset of the disorder is 16-17 years, but the beginnings are increasingly frequent at 10, 30 and 50 years.

anorexia useful tips

The signs of anorexia

The first alarm bell is an obsession with food and weight ; usually you start a diet to lose a few pounds and then continue. In the anorexic person the predominant thought of the day is weight. Another signal is the distortion of the body image, because even if skinny, the anorexic is always seen fat.

Another indication is amenorrhea , or the absence of menstruation; however, mothers and gynecologists often make the mistake of administering the pill, which restores the cycle and hides the symptom.

Who and why it comes to anorexia

Usually people who suffer from this eating disorder, hide a very fragile identity , they always need to demonstrate their skills to win the approval of others. Then there are psychobiological predispositions, which lead to the development of diseases of this type and the rest is done by the family and social environment .

The already insecure people who clash every day with the narcissistic culture proposed by the media, where the only values ​​are thinness, beauty and wealth, are in crisis.

Does the family always have faults?

The case of Isabelle Caro, the girl who died of anorexia, is also a testimonial of an advertising campaign a few years ago. Isabelle had also written a book " The girl who did not want to grow up ", in which she talks about her symbiotic relationship with her mother, without however sparing her of criticism, defining it as overprotective and often depressed. A mother who obsessively feared that her daughter could get fat and become a woman, a mother who loved her daughter so much that she killed herself after death. But what is the role of the family when there is a child in the house suffering from eating disorders?

Too many mothers are anguished by the weight of their daughters , since the first years of life, and this can promote anorexia, bulimia or obesity during adolescence. Obviously the fault is not only of mothers, but also social models, in the case of anorexia, have a great influence.

The family at risk

Eating disorders, however, must be considered within a triangle : mother, daughter (child) and father, or a grandparent or grandmother, because even an absent father, physically or emotionally, can be decisive. But what are the family characteristics that can promote anorexia?

Usually we find families entangled, very cohesive , groups in which if one sneezes all blow their noses. The second characteristic is that they always declare themselves happy, but it is more a form of reassurance than a reality, because certain families totally deny the true emotions. They are people who tend to avoid conflicts and appear perfect families

The characteristics of the adolescent at risk

Anorexia has to do with personal identity: it is linked to the themes of independence and autonomy. A desire to be independent from everything even from food. They are teenagers with the fear of growing up , living a sense of inadequacy in dealing with difficulties. They are girls who consider intelligence fundamental , without realizing that depriving oneself of food makes it less intelligent, because when the body no longer has food, one also eats the synapses of the brain.

Anorexia: the fault of mothers?

It is often read that girls become anorexic because they have a bad relationship with their mother; above all, a time tended to blame the parental figures, considering them the main cause of eating disorders.

In reality, anorexia is a multifactorial etiology disease, that is, with more factors contributing to its appearance. In fact, both environmental conditioning are involved (in this society to be beautiful you have to be skinny), and personal, that is character and proper of the individual.

Family dynamics, sometimes can influence the development of the disease but, first of all, it is useful not to blame, nor to blame the girl or other family members involved. Instead, it is advisable to consider the possibility of analyzing these dynamics with the help of specialized psychologists, to dissolve those nodes that may hinder recovery.

The person with anorexic disorder, never thinks of having a problem and being ill; indeed for these subjects losing weight means being well and will never go to a person to ask for help, let alone a doctor who will tell him to take weight. So it is almost always the parents or family who turn to a specialist to ask what to do. Sometimes forced, painful but fundamental hospitalization is necessary to save the life of anorexic.

Malnutrition and its complications

Poor nutrition also causes depression, isolation and lack of concentration, because if you do not get to a minimum body mass index, the brain does not have adequate neurotransmitters to formulate thoughts. These people, then, tend to always be cold and always feel very tired (this in the advanced stage of the disease). An anorexic person, however, will never say that she is ill, maybe she can recognize that she has ailments, that she is not perfectly fit, but does not bring the symptoms back to the food problem. Anorexia is considered a psychiatric illness because it controls a primary need like hunger, which a normal person would not be able to control for so long, while the anorexic subject manages to go beyond the stimulus of hunger, and because of this, he feels omnipotent.

Is healing possible? Which treatment?

Eating disorders represent serious psychological problems and the intervention of more specialists is needed, also in relation to the severity of the situation. Psychotherapy is undoubtedly the most effective method of treatment, but must necessarily be supplemented by specialized nutritional support. With adequate nutrition and psychological support the menstrual cycle returns, but the mentality remains and some foods will be unapproachable for life; very often it happens that from anorexia to the bulimia.

Can anorexia be prevented?

Ideally the best prevention would be to be able to grow and live in a family, social and emotional environment that can respond adequately to deep needs, which is not always possible. But prevention could also make it the family, society, the media, re-launching and revaluating models and values ​​that are not only based on externality and competition.

Increasingly attentive to the line, form and image, men are making their own typically feminine habits and problems. One of these is anorexia, which brings four new young people every week to knock at the specialized center of the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza.

Males are more and more narcissistic and vulnerable to the social need to show their best: the control of calories becomes an obsession and can turn into illness.
According to experts, the disorder manifests itself in a similar way in the two sexes, but has different causes .

If women, in fact, end up in this behavior an uneasiness that arises within the family, men express a personal and inner conflict between themselves and their bodies.

The origin of anorexia is not connected to the ideal of ethereal beauty diffused by fashion magazines, on the contrary. Some doctors propose another possible interpretation of eating disorders, that is a strong ideal of asceticism, like the one that moved the anorexic saints.

In addition, the cultural models in vogue claim that thinness and physical prowess are synonymous with success, this is why more young adolescent males suffering from orthorexia and bigorexia , two of the diseases related to the body that most worry families and specialists.

For orthorexia means the obsession with eating healthy while bigoressia is the obsession of muscle mass, the opposite of anorexia. In these cases there is no search for thinness, but these are physical and mental problems caused by a wrong perception of one's body. To chase their models, young males throw themselves headlong into fatigue sports, which transform a normal passion for movement and wellbeing into mania.

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