
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Natural remedies for anxiety

Anxiety, the evil of the century. The worst among the devious diseases of the mind, which affects a huge number of people all over the world, with very heavy effects on daily life, personal well-being and even work performance. But instead of fighting it with drugs and medical treatments, let's try to understand if and how it is possible to manage it through natural practices and remedies, from bioenergetics to yoga, from breathing to meditation. Let's find out then together in this article the thousand useful tips.


The panorama of care and proposals for the management of anxiety is always wider because stress is part of the daily lives of many people. Among the major causes of stress are the economic crisis, society and uncertainties in relationships.

Unfortunately, we are so stressed that we do not even have time for a traditional psychological therapy. So you self-heal with books, CDs and mini-therapies to try to quickly overcome the problems related to anxiety.

To summarize the concepts of short therapy and self-help, there is a book available: " Instant Therapy: how to face and overcome anxiety and stress in 5 moves" by Paola Vinciguerra. The main purpose of the book is to learn effective schemes to manage your daily life with more serenity .

Dr. Vinciguerra helps by guiding the reader step by step to elaborate anxiety management strategies . After an introductory part, which illustrates the formation of anxiety with respect to one's nature and social factors, the book offers a sequence of practical schemes with tests to measure one's level of anxiety and optimism.

They are then illustrated concepts and exercises inspired by bioenergetics , autogenic training and positive thinking.

According to the doctor it should be enough 3 months to learn the steps and the exercises and heal from anxiety. Obviously it is a self-therapy, effective if there are no serious pathologies and disabling disorders of anxiety. In these cases only a psychotherapy is useful.

The anticipatory anxieties are those that arise when the person is not yet immersed in the action but is already convinced of not being able to adequately cope with the things he has to do. It does not matter if it is important tasks or nonsense: the idea of ​​not being up to date or making mistakes is always lurking.

Certainly not a good life, because in an anxiety-provoking situation the person is always in tension, does not relax and never really enjoys moments.

First of all, those who are anxious and want to experience moments of relaxation with serenity, when they decide to do something, do not waste time and do it right away. The action distracts the thought and does not feed the anxiety. But the action must never be compulsive.

Secondly, we must be more tolerant of ourselves and not pretend to be perfect.


Bioenergetics is a method to learn how to relax and live with less anxiety.

Usually after a first meeting with the psychotherapist, the sessions provide bio-energetic psychophysical exercises aimed at dissolving the tensions in the usual critical points: the cervical, diaphragm and pelvic area. It starts with slow and deep breathing to then move to movements involving arms and legs, accompanied by sound exercises. For example, you raise your elbows as if to remove someone and you shout "go away".

This active part of the therapy is accompanied by massages in the area of ​​the neck and shoulders, near the diaphragm and on the waist, to encourage the flow of emotions.

An anti-Asian bioenergetic session includes 8 individual meetings, one per week for two months. It costs around € 500.

An exercise to do alone

If the sense of anxiety and panic never leaves you, morning and evening give yourself this massage to do with a teaspoon of almond oil to which are added 1-2 drops of bitter orange essential oil, one of verbena, one of lemon balm and one of rose.

You have to grease the thumb or the three middle fingers of the hand and with circular movements massage the area of ​​the diaphragm under the breastbone. Do this exercise for six slow breathing acts to ease anxiety and promote proper breathing.

For those suffering from anxiety (but also depression and panic attacks) now there is a new cure, also approved by medicine: yoga! But goodbye to expensive courses in chic gyms, yoga also enters the hospital; just pay the ticket and get dressed in a comfortable way.

To launch this novelty is the Fatebenefratelli of Milan that has applied on some patients the breathing method Sky, an ancient yoga technique that is learned in 10 days. The results were surprising; after only 6 months, depression rates fell by 60% and those of psychosis by 40.

Obviously this method does not want to replace traditional therapies but is to support them and has been chosen because it stimulates the vague nerve that acts on neurons and promotes the production of natural antidepressants. Soon it will be possible to request it also in other hospitals. For information

It is called Krya yoga and it is the Yoga of the breath, a sequence of breathing exercises that serve to promote psychophysical wellbeing. Its practice purifies the body, relieves tension and helps keep fit. This form of yoga is useful against stress, anxiety, excess of emotionality and various addictions. It normalizes breathing, controls the heartbeat, and produces a state of calmness, but increases sexual energy and power of concentration.

There are different techniques of Krya yoga that can vary according to the schools, but all have the purpose to purify the body, expand the levels of consciousness to let the individual experience his link with the universe.

The exercises should be practiced in the morning, fasting for 10-15 minutes, and given their detoxifying power it is good to drink a lot of water.

Suka Pranayama

This exercise balances the two cerebral hemispheres connected to the nostrils. Usually when we breathe we use only one of the two nostrils that alternate throughout the day depending on the biorhythms. This breathing helps to restore the harmony between the two energy currents, and instills serenity.

How to do it

Sitting cross-legged, with the back straight, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and exhale the air from the left. Continue by inhaling the left nostrils, then close it with the little finger and exhale from the right. It is inspired by the right nostril and then ending with an exhalation of the left nostrils.


This exercise serves to purify the blood and eliminate toxins, also strengthens the nervous system and decongests the ocular area and the sinuses.

How to do it

You sit on your heels with your back straight and inhale deeply, with the strength of your nose lifting your shoulders and moving your elbows away from your body. It expires from the nose as deeply as it releases shoulders and elbows. The hands return to the thighs with their palms upwards. The rhythm must be rapid.

Agni Prana

It is an easy technique practiced to recharge the body of energy. It is performed cross-legged and inhaled and exhales very quickly from the nose. It expands and releases only the abdomen. short surface breaths are carried out focusing the attention on the 6th chakra. The mouth always remains closed.

For many it is an annoying habit, for those who can not stop instead, a weapon against tension.

But now, comes to the rescue, an Australian research, which claims that chewing gum reduces tension and decreases the levels of cortisol in saliva, indicative of stress. In addition it increases the ability for attention and concentration.But no wonder why anxiety and stress are related to physical manifestations, and chewing is one of them. Just think of certain diseases on an anxious basis, such as nocturnal bruxism, the symptom is just grinding the teeth.

The mechanisms behind this link are not known at all, but what is known is that keeping a gum in the mouth helps.
Young people, for example, resort to chewing gum support especially when performance anxiety is high, for example before a race or exam. It is as if chewing was an unconscious way to digest something or someone that is heavy, or frightening us.

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