
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Credit card security

The credit card is presented as a plastic card and is one of the tools used to carry out payment and withdrawal transactions using electronic money. The cards are issued by various companies present on the national and international circuit.

To increase credit card security, it is also accompanied by an identifying and naming number of the holder that allows identification. The same can be associated with a bank account or can be issued regardless of the possession of a current account.

Through this tool the holder can make all the necessary payments without the direct outlay of cash. Depending on the type of customer and the frequency of use, you can choose the most appropriate credit card for your needs.

Credit card security

There are credit cards designed for individuals, in this case take the name of personal credit card and letterheads to legal entities, corporate credit cards. The latter are also associated with a user, but the charge is associated with the current account of the company for which the person works.

In general, the choice of credit card type is taken according to the specific needs of the holder. The most important data to take into consideration is the amount of the monthly expense that is moved with the credit card.

The choice of credit card will also follow a careful analysis of other key points, such as the annual fee and opening costs, which vary from one bank to another. Other data to keep in mind in the costs of handling the card is stamp duty and any commissions on purchases or withdrawals.

Once this analysis has been carried out, it will be possible to decide for the most suitable paper for specific needs. In particular, the types of credit card are as follows:

Credit card . It is usually activated and connected to a current account, it is suitable for those with a fair frequency of use. The charge for the expenses carried out is counted the following month:
Prepaid card . It is recharged according to the needs of expenditure and is more suitable for young customers accustomed to purchases on the internet. The management costs are usually lower, but the costs for top-up must be assessed;
With the credit card you can make payments in electronic money in all shops and stores that join the circuit. Generally, the logos of the circuits accepted for payment, are displayed well in sight at the entrance or near the cash register.

The payment transaction with the credit card is subject to a monthly spending limit, established with your bank. The monthly spending limit, also called the credit limit, is established by the credit institute on the basis of the credit card's credit rating.

Unfortunately, the danger of falling victim to credit card fraud is far from remote. One of the greatest dangers, after theft or loss, is that of cloning. But with some strategy it is possible to protect yourself as much as possible.

A good habit is to check the card statement often and, at the slightest anomaly, proceed with the suspension of the card. Today the Banks provide some additional services for the protection of the card, such as the Alert through SMS, which warns of every movement that is made with the card itself.

Unless you have a particular need, it is another good habit to maintain a minimum card limit. In this way, in the event of cloning, the damage will be limited to the monthly limit. In this regard, there are rechargeable credit cards, generally used for internet purchases. In addition to being very practical, they are also quite safe compared to traditional ones because they are recharged when necessary, and never contain large sums of money. In case of cloning the damage is reduced to a minimum.

In case of loss or theft, you must immediately contact the Bank to block the credit card. Each bank provides a toll-free number for its customers specifically for this event. However, the card blocking operation is not sufficient, who has suffered the theft or lost the card must report to the carabinieri or other competent body.

This operation allows the formation of a special black-list, that is the list of all credit cards blocked as a result of anomalies, which is sent periodically to the stores of the circuit.

To cope with the problem of cloning, the smart card was born, it is a credit card that has a microchip in addition to the magnetic strip. The use of the card is the same as for traditional cards. The presence of the microchip, however, makes paper even safer and cloning more difficult.

With the respect of simple behavioral rules, it is also possible to reduce the danger of encountering something unexpected:

Keep the pin code secret. The same should not be brought with him, but remembered by heart. If we really can not memorize it, we can write the number in a small phone book to be kept separate from the purse or wallet that also contains the credit card;
Always have the toll-free number to call immediately in case of theft or loss. The more secure the card blocking operation will be and the more secure we will be from any unwanted withdrawals;
Sign the credit card. On the back there is the signature of the cardholder, with whom any falsification will be more difficult;
Before signing the receipt, it is a good idea to check the amount of the transaction so as not to incur errors;
Keep the receipts and check the monthly statement;
Cancel your credit card

To proceed with the cancellation of the credit card must comply with all the clauses provided and signed with the signing of the contract. In this case the rules may vary from Institute to Institute, but you must still proceed carefully and comply with some procedures:

Act in advance. The request for withdrawal must be presented at least two months in advance of the date on which we would like the service to cease definitively;
Always send the documentation by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt;
Go to the counter and make the card invalid. This operation consists of cutting the paper into two parts so that it becomes unusable and is usually done by the desk clerk;

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