Everyone can eat too much or take in quantity a certain food that causes heaviness in the abdomen and discomfort. This condition is called "indigestion" and is a rather frequent phenomenon. But what to do if it shows up? Here then are the symptoms to recognize it and the remedies, natural or not, to combat this annoyance.
What to do in case of indigestion
To all, at least once, it happened to accuse an abdominal discomfort and to pronounce the fateful phrase "I did indigestion". This condition, in fact, happens very frequently, especially for the weakest people at stomach and intestine levels, and indicates various disorders that, depending on the case, are located at the level of the abdomen .
The term "indigestion" is used to indicate in general a poor digestion and abdominal swelling that, depending on the person, can also manifest itself accompanied by thick, nausea and headache, also depending on the severity of the episode. We begin to know better what the symptoms of indigestion are.
Depending on the case, in the event of indigestion the following symptoms are reported:
Feeling of satiety , which can occur after eating or even during the meal itself
Hardness in the abdomen : this sensation is typical of the hard to the touch
Stomach pain : it can be mild or very intense with the appearance of annoying pangs
Heartburn : it is possible to feel an annoying sensation of burning, just at the level of the upper abdomen.
Nausea : you can also feel a sense of nausea and have the feeling of having to vomit at any moment
Listening to your body, in any case, is essential. Often, in fact, all these symptoms are perceived but in a mild form, with the sensation of being through a passing malaise destined to vanish within a short time. In some cases, however, it is better to contact the doctor , especially if the ailments continue for more than two weeks and the following symptoms are found:
Loss of appetite
Feces of black color
Skin that assumes a yellowish color
The stomach ache, in itself, is not a disorder that involves serious complication, but remains a malaise that, if not treated properly, can make you uncomfortable during the life of every day and push you, just because of the trouble that causes, to eat less and less. The doctor will determine what kind of severity there is in this malaise and, if deemed necessary, to send the patient to a gastroenterologist for an accurate visit.
Indigestion is a malaise that medicine calls "functional dyspepsia" and usually occurs after finishing the meal. At the abdominal level, between the breastbone and the navel, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling that can sometimes be accompanied by pain, dense, burning or acidity. Indigestion is easy to recognize; sometimes it can occur right while we are eating . Suddenly you no longer want to continue the meal and you are seized with a feeling of abdominal blockage.
In other cases, indigestion is caused by what we ate, but in relation to external causes. In winter, or during the mid-seasons, when the weather is still uncertain, it may happen to eat and go out in the open air shortly without covering up sufficiently . During digestion, this can become deleterious and cause the body to react in this way.
Sometimes even indigestion can be caused by various factors:
Incorrect chewing or a habit of eating too quickly
Nutrition rich in fatty or over-seasoned foods
Excessive coffee consumption
Consumption of alcohol
The indigestion is nothing but the signal that our abdomen sends to signal that it is having difficulty digesting . The signals that it sends us may be different, also depending on the severity of indigestion, and range from more or less intense cramps to vomiting and nausea.
If the episode is sporadic it can be solved with a simple anti-acid, but sometimes the feeling of discomfort can worsen considerably, especially if the indigestion is reported by sudden cold sweating, belching and severe headache . Just even drink an ice-cold drink too quickly, and here's your stomach affected.
The first thing to do in case of indigestion is to stop eating and get to rest . Depending on the pain or discomfort experienced at a given moment you may feel further annoyance from lying down or sitting down: the right position to take at that moment is the one in which you feel less annoyance.
A hot water bottle on the abdomen can be very helpful in these cases; the heat helps to calm the pain and relax the stomach walls. Then there are some drugs that can be taken to combat abdominal disorders of this type. If you decide to take them, however, it is absolutely essential to seek the opinion of your doctor first . In fact, there are many drugs that have different contraindications and it is only for the doctor to prescribe the right medicine, especially if these episodes are frequent during the year.
In nature, however, the remedies for the stomach are many and even in case of indigestion, they prove useful and valuable to alleviate the sense of malaise that grips us at the moment. Herbal teas, decoctions, infusions and some foods can be of great help in these cases. But what are these remedies?
A nice cup of hot chamomile can work wonders in case of indigestion. Chamomile has soothing abdominal and digestive properties and is also ideal to combat nausea and the sense of heaviness that manifests itself when you feel you have not digested well.
Sodium bicarbonate
It is a substance present in all kitchens and is often the basic ingredient of many digestive drugs. Just dissolve a teaspoon inside a glass of water and drink the preparation: the bicarbonate will neutralize the acids that are present in the stomach and will help the digestion process.
Ginger has excellent properties, especially for the stomach. Soothes the swelling, helps digestion, fights nausea and the feeling of fullness . It is better to consume it fresh; cut the root into small pieces and boil it to prepare an infusion. Depending on the taste the tea can also be consumed with the addition of lemon.
This fruit is a friend of the stomach and digestion in general. As soon as the apple reaches the intestine, it has the function of cleaning up any obstructions present inside it; in a short time therefore it alleviates pain, discomfort and swelling . Remember also that it is better to eat the apple with the skin, rich in fibers that are very good for the intestine.
Even cinnamon is a good remedy, even if not well known, to soothe stomach discomfort . Just prepare a cinnamon tea, or prepare an infusion directly with the berries, as soon as you experience symptoms of swelling or you struggle to digest.
Coriander is a lesser-known spice, but it does not therefore possess properties considered portentous, especially for digestive and intestinal disorders. To fight them just prepare an herbal tea: boil a sprig of coriander and then leave it to rest about ten minutes before drinking.
Indigestion can happen to everyone, when we are out for dinner, when we eat a sandwich outside a room and we are not covered enough or when we simply eat too much at a party or a family gathering. But this does not mean that we can put into practice some tricks to try to prevent as much as possible the indigestion and all the hassles that it entails.
To follow a healthier lifestyle and food, for example, can help a lot, along with a little attention to the habitual use of drugs. Here then are the rules to follow to take care of our digestive system :
Commit to chew slowly : eat slowly, chew well and enjoy the food without swallowing it too quickly.
Avoid foods that are high in fat and over-seasoned, which will work on digestion
Smoking and alcohol are enemies of well-being and can trigger stomach ache more frequently
Maintaining the weight : not only for greater general well-being but also because the excess fat presses on the abdomen altering the right work of the gastric juices.
Doing sports : training is good for the body and prevents the body from getting fat by accumulating excess pounds. But never immediately after meals: start playing sports only after having digested correctly
Eating well is important, and not just from the point of view of food choice. You have to eat meals in harmony, calmly and in a relaxed environment as much as possible . Even if you have little time available, take your time: eat your feet and in five minutes it's not good for your stomach.
Eat a little and make more meals a day
Reduce the use of drugs: anti-inflammatories, in particular, are not good for the stomach: they irritate the walls and fatigue it. So it is good to take medicines only if necessary and always and only on the advice of the doctor.
What to do in case of indigestion
To all, at least once, it happened to accuse an abdominal discomfort and to pronounce the fateful phrase "I did indigestion". This condition, in fact, happens very frequently, especially for the weakest people at stomach and intestine levels, and indicates various disorders that, depending on the case, are located at the level of the abdomen .
The term "indigestion" is used to indicate in general a poor digestion and abdominal swelling that, depending on the person, can also manifest itself accompanied by thick, nausea and headache, also depending on the severity of the episode. We begin to know better what the symptoms of indigestion are.
Depending on the case, in the event of indigestion the following symptoms are reported:
Feeling of satiety , which can occur after eating or even during the meal itself
Hardness in the abdomen : this sensation is typical of the hard to the touch
Stomach pain : it can be mild or very intense with the appearance of annoying pangs
Heartburn : it is possible to feel an annoying sensation of burning, just at the level of the upper abdomen.
Nausea : you can also feel a sense of nausea and have the feeling of having to vomit at any moment
Listening to your body, in any case, is essential. Often, in fact, all these symptoms are perceived but in a mild form, with the sensation of being through a passing malaise destined to vanish within a short time. In some cases, however, it is better to contact the doctor , especially if the ailments continue for more than two weeks and the following symptoms are found:
Loss of appetite
Feces of black color
Skin that assumes a yellowish color
The stomach ache, in itself, is not a disorder that involves serious complication, but remains a malaise that, if not treated properly, can make you uncomfortable during the life of every day and push you, just because of the trouble that causes, to eat less and less. The doctor will determine what kind of severity there is in this malaise and, if deemed necessary, to send the patient to a gastroenterologist for an accurate visit.
Indigestion is a malaise that medicine calls "functional dyspepsia" and usually occurs after finishing the meal. At the abdominal level, between the breastbone and the navel, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling that can sometimes be accompanied by pain, dense, burning or acidity. Indigestion is easy to recognize; sometimes it can occur right while we are eating . Suddenly you no longer want to continue the meal and you are seized with a feeling of abdominal blockage.
In other cases, indigestion is caused by what we ate, but in relation to external causes. In winter, or during the mid-seasons, when the weather is still uncertain, it may happen to eat and go out in the open air shortly without covering up sufficiently . During digestion, this can become deleterious and cause the body to react in this way.
Sometimes even indigestion can be caused by various factors:
Incorrect chewing or a habit of eating too quickly
Nutrition rich in fatty or over-seasoned foods
Excessive coffee consumption
Consumption of alcohol
The indigestion is nothing but the signal that our abdomen sends to signal that it is having difficulty digesting . The signals that it sends us may be different, also depending on the severity of indigestion, and range from more or less intense cramps to vomiting and nausea.
If the episode is sporadic it can be solved with a simple anti-acid, but sometimes the feeling of discomfort can worsen considerably, especially if the indigestion is reported by sudden cold sweating, belching and severe headache . Just even drink an ice-cold drink too quickly, and here's your stomach affected.
The first thing to do in case of indigestion is to stop eating and get to rest . Depending on the pain or discomfort experienced at a given moment you may feel further annoyance from lying down or sitting down: the right position to take at that moment is the one in which you feel less annoyance.
A hot water bottle on the abdomen can be very helpful in these cases; the heat helps to calm the pain and relax the stomach walls. Then there are some drugs that can be taken to combat abdominal disorders of this type. If you decide to take them, however, it is absolutely essential to seek the opinion of your doctor first . In fact, there are many drugs that have different contraindications and it is only for the doctor to prescribe the right medicine, especially if these episodes are frequent during the year.
In nature, however, the remedies for the stomach are many and even in case of indigestion, they prove useful and valuable to alleviate the sense of malaise that grips us at the moment. Herbal teas, decoctions, infusions and some foods can be of great help in these cases. But what are these remedies?
A nice cup of hot chamomile can work wonders in case of indigestion. Chamomile has soothing abdominal and digestive properties and is also ideal to combat nausea and the sense of heaviness that manifests itself when you feel you have not digested well.
Sodium bicarbonate
It is a substance present in all kitchens and is often the basic ingredient of many digestive drugs. Just dissolve a teaspoon inside a glass of water and drink the preparation: the bicarbonate will neutralize the acids that are present in the stomach and will help the digestion process.
Ginger has excellent properties, especially for the stomach. Soothes the swelling, helps digestion, fights nausea and the feeling of fullness . It is better to consume it fresh; cut the root into small pieces and boil it to prepare an infusion. Depending on the taste the tea can also be consumed with the addition of lemon.
This fruit is a friend of the stomach and digestion in general. As soon as the apple reaches the intestine, it has the function of cleaning up any obstructions present inside it; in a short time therefore it alleviates pain, discomfort and swelling . Remember also that it is better to eat the apple with the skin, rich in fibers that are very good for the intestine.
Even cinnamon is a good remedy, even if not well known, to soothe stomach discomfort . Just prepare a cinnamon tea, or prepare an infusion directly with the berries, as soon as you experience symptoms of swelling or you struggle to digest.
Coriander is a lesser-known spice, but it does not therefore possess properties considered portentous, especially for digestive and intestinal disorders. To fight them just prepare an herbal tea: boil a sprig of coriander and then leave it to rest about ten minutes before drinking.
Indigestion can happen to everyone, when we are out for dinner, when we eat a sandwich outside a room and we are not covered enough or when we simply eat too much at a party or a family gathering. But this does not mean that we can put into practice some tricks to try to prevent as much as possible the indigestion and all the hassles that it entails.
To follow a healthier lifestyle and food, for example, can help a lot, along with a little attention to the habitual use of drugs. Here then are the rules to follow to take care of our digestive system :
Commit to chew slowly : eat slowly, chew well and enjoy the food without swallowing it too quickly.
Avoid foods that are high in fat and over-seasoned, which will work on digestion
Smoking and alcohol are enemies of well-being and can trigger stomach ache more frequently
Maintaining the weight : not only for greater general well-being but also because the excess fat presses on the abdomen altering the right work of the gastric juices.
Doing sports : training is good for the body and prevents the body from getting fat by accumulating excess pounds. But never immediately after meals: start playing sports only after having digested correctly
Eating well is important, and not just from the point of view of food choice. You have to eat meals in harmony, calmly and in a relaxed environment as much as possible . Even if you have little time available, take your time: eat your feet and in five minutes it's not good for your stomach.
Eat a little and make more meals a day
Reduce the use of drugs: anti-inflammatories, in particular, are not good for the stomach: they irritate the walls and fatigue it. So it is good to take medicines only if necessary and always and only on the advice of the doctor.
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