
Saturday, June 16, 2018

6/16/2018 01:10:00 PM

How to protect the suns from the sun

Protecting your skin is very important, especially in summer, when we are constantly under the sun. Doing it is important not only to prevent cell aging, but also to protect the moles, or nevi, the spots on the skin of different colors that all of us, those in massive numbers and others, we have. Here is all there is to know about it.

How to protect the suns from the sun
The sun is good and healthy. We all know that a little 'sun is good for the bones, it helps us to give the skin a more beautiful and healthier color, but it is good to be informed about what could be the risks of exposure to the sun. If taken badly, in the wrong hours of the day and without protection, the sun can hurt the skin , especially those who are struggling with many on the body. The prolonged exposure to the sun, then, is a cause of wrinkles , skin spots and is certainly not good for those who want a fresh and young appearance. The sun, in fact, dry the skin and however beautiful it may be to contact it sooner or later ruin the skin.

The first aspect to take into consideration when talking about skin and sun is a tan. L ' tan , for the uninitiated, is the way our skin is defended from the sun ; melanin is produced when the sun hits our skin and has the task of protecting from ultraviolet rays.

If, in fact, only 5% of the sun's rays are reflected , while the remaining percentage penetrates into the body's tissues and it is therefore necessary to protect yourself to best benefit from the sun's energy without damaging the skin. The relationship between sun and tumors is well known and the excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays is one of the main factors for the development of less aggressive skin tumors, while for what concerns the most aggressive melanomas, the factors are known only in part, including the family history, the phototype, clear eyes and fair skin, and the presence of numerous on the body.

But why? And how can the sun hurt your skin? The answer is simple: because the ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and can damage the DNA of the epidermis . Some damage is minimal and can easily be dealt with, while others can initiate cancerous changes that are important to identify and monitor over time.

Let's see then what are some basic rules to follow to protect the skin and its own from the sun:

During the first days of sun exposure use a protection between 30 and 50. This is the first and important rule to protect the skin, regardless of snow. A protected skin is a healthier skin.
If you feel the skin pulling, wear a hat or cover with a garment . It is not enough to stay under the umbrella because the sun's rays penetrate the same, tan and burn anyway. If, for example, you feel your shoulders burn, the best thing is to put yourself under the sun, but only if you wear a shirt at the same time.
Avoid sunbathing when it shines high, around 11am to 4pm ; during this time the sun's rays are more dangerous and strong and can be responsible for dangerous burns. Better to prefer exposure when the sun is milder, but no less tanning.
Spread the cream before leaving home and do not wait to arrive at the beach, when the skin is in direct contact with the sun. This is a practice often underestimated and that instead should become the routine when we are at sea: do not wait to be in contact with the sun, especially if they are the first days of exposure and especially if you have delicate skin.
The cream does not last all day and it is necessary to spread it from time to time and whenever you feel the need, even after bathing despite the many promises of water-resistant sea creams.
Do not use sunscreens from past years ; if you have the cream from the year before you know it is no longer good because the sunscreens after a while tend to degrade.
In medicine they are called nevi, we all know them with the most common name of "nei" and are those spots that we can see on the skin of different colors. Those with fair skin and light eyes are more prone to skin formation, while those with dark skin and eyes certainly have less. In general, what matters is who has some skin on the skin must protect them especially in summer , when the skin is subject to massive exposure to the sun.

Inches are considered benign tumors of the epidermis and it is important to check them periodically to verify that they do not undergo morphological alterations, in terms of color, shape and symmetry . This is why it is important, especially those who have many scattered all over the body, to undergo periodic checks at a dermatologist.

At sea, on the other hand, it is important to protect the skin and the breasts, because incorrect exposure to the sun could be the cause of any changes in the as well as being dangerous to the health of the skin in general. Here then are all the precautions to be taken to protect the suns in the sun and the health of the skin during the summer, but also in winter during the holidays in the mountains.

First of all, when it comes to exposing one's skin to the sun, it is necessary to ponder well when and how to expose yourself to the sun. The ideal hours for the exhibition are early morning and late afternoon . At this time the sun is too strong and this is not ideal for the skin, especially if it is delicate. On the contrary, in the early hours of the morning and late afternoon the sun is milder, but this does not lessen tans. On the contrary, an exposure during these hours guarantees a more gradual, homogeneous and healthy tan.

The second rule to put into practice to protect the sun under the sun is to use good quality sunscreens . Do not let yourself get carried away by the heat of sunbathing right away and do not be afraid to shield your skin with a high protection cream. Protection 50, for example, protects the skin a lot but also promotes tanning.

As for the protection of the same, however, this portion of the skin should be covered in full, with total protection , even if the shielding of total protection will leave completely white the flap of skin on which the spread. Alternatively, in the pharmacy you can also buy special patches that can be applied on the ints to protect them from the sun .

When we talk about in and protection from the sun our mind immediately runs to the sea, but also with regard to the holidays in the mountains you need to protect yourself properly. Although in the mountains the sun exposure concerns only the face, it is good to remember that the intensity of the sun at high temperatures is very strong and it is important to use the right sunscreen even if it is winter and even if we are in the mountains.

The cream should have a rather high sunscreen in the mountains since the ultraviolet rays are much more intense. Here are some tips on:

Clouds do not shield radiation
Snow reflects 80% of UV rays
Fresh air reduces the sensation of heat on the skin and exposes more to sunburn
Eye contour, nasco and ears are the most delicate areas
All dermatologists agree in stating that it is not true that the sun hurts, indeed. The sun is good for the body, provides the body with the right amount of vitamin D but, as with all things, it is the dose and the amount that makes the difference . The sun must be taken with intelligence, with the necessary protections and with great care, respecting the skin and its health.

What also dermatologists advise is to undergo dermatological visits , even once every year if in the presence of many, especially for those with light skin and clear eyes and is therefore a subject more delicate and more exposed.

In addition to this, doctors reiterate the importance of being able to observe their own body and their own . If you notice something different, or you notice the appearance of a new mole, it is advisable to go to the doctor to have it checked and to assess whether it is a substantial or minor change.

And if you have to go to the doctor for routine check-up , remember not to do it as soon as you get back from vacation , when your skin is still tanned, if not for exceptional cases. Better to wait a few months, when the skin has lost the summer tan and will be back to normal.
6/16/2018 01:10:00 PM

Jellyfish irritation: what to do?

Many times a swim at sea can turn out to be a little unpleasant if we come across a jellyfish, an animal with a very charming shape and color, but it is able to prick the man, releasing its stinging substances. So what to do in case of jellyfish irritation? Here then is all there is to know about it and what are the methods to counteract the burning.

What to do in case of jellyfish irritation
The jellyfish is a marine animal that belongs to the planktonic species, reproduces through a sexual process giving life to a sort of polyp and is known as an animal with a strong urticating power when its surface comes into contact with human skin. Its function is defensive and its behavior is aimed at paralyzing the prey. For this reason, when it comes into contact with the surface of the jellyfish it causes a strong inflammatory reaction , which can manifest itself through burning, swelling, erythema and sensation of pain .

This reaction is caused by the toxic effect that the liquid contained in the tentacles of the jellyfish releases. The annoyance caused is very variable, but it is always good to know how to behave in case of jellyfish irritation, to know how to act and how to mitigate pain and burning.

The presence of jellyfish in our seas and the critical environmental situation facing the planet are closely related. Accomplices are the temperatures that are gradually rising and fishing methods often nefarious, jellyfish are starting to increasingly popular waters. This means that we have to get used to having to deal more and more often with jellyfish that more and more live our seas compared to the past.

The jellyfish is a very beautiful animal from an aesthetic point of view. It is transparent in color or some shades of color that make it very eye-catching. We could compare the form of the jellyfish to that of an octopus, since it is equipped with the upper part, a sort of floating hood, and a lower part formed by the tentacles , inside which is enclosed the stinging poison .

Jellyfish prefer very clear and clean waters so if you encounter one during a swim, you can at least be sure that you are swimming in a clean and unpolluted sea . It is not always possible to see a jellyfish with the naked eye; often these animals disguise themselves and their presence is felt precisely as a result of the sting, which causes itching, pain and discomfort .

Knowing what to do in these cases is essential, to put your skin at risk from annoyances and swelling and to limit as much as possible the pains. Near the summer, televisions, newspapers and even bathing establishments organize some information campaigns to communicate to tourists and bathers what to do and what not to do in case of jellyfish irritation.

The only real way to avoid jellyfish is to avoid bathing and diving into the water. Eventuality that most of the people on holiday prefer to avoid, risking to take a dip despite everything. After all, it is sufficient to know that jellyfish do not attack with their own free will and do not approach with the intent of doing evil; when we feel the sting of the jellyfish it means that we have accidentally collided with them.

Jellyfish move vertically in the water and are both able to sink to the bottom and emerge on the surface of the water very easily. For the rest, the jellyfish moves according to the direction of the current and for this reason can be found anywhere.

If you spot some jellyfish at sea, it is better not to swim and wait for the current to move elsewhere. The stinging jellyfish are easily recognizable and are those that have rather long tentacles ; this means that even if you see the jellyfish head very far from you its tentacles could be much closer than it seems.

Sometimes jellyfish are pushed to shore and it is not rare cases in which these animals can be spotted on the shore, destined to literally melt in the sun because they are no longer immersed in water, their natural environment. In most cases, in fact, jellyfish are spotted offshore , when the water is even cleaner than the stretch of sea near the coast.

The odds increase during a boat trip or a swim offshore alone and it is good to know how to behave in these cases because, most of the time, to provide relief to the affected area it is necessary to reach the shore again. First of all, in case of a jellyfish sting, it is necessary to remain calm and try to swim to shore to reach the mainland. If the pain at the moment limits your movements, be helped by someone in the water near you or, if you are inside a factory, ask for the lifeguard help .

Symptoms after a jellyfish sting are very simple to recognize; burning, itching and localized pain , often accompanied by a reddening of the affected area. The first serious eventuality to avert is an anaphylactic shock ; so if after the puncture you experience symptoms of discomfort that move away from the simple burning of the affected area, go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

Once you get out of the water, the most important thing to do is stay calm . This advice may seem trivial and obvious, but in reality it is a fundamental aspect from the moment when the panic and fear increase the adrenaline and as a result the toxins released by the poison will circulate in the body at a greater speed.

Secondly, it is necessary to inspect the body to ensure that , in addition to the puncture, there are no parts of the body of the jellyfish sticking to the skin . If this is the case, the parts of the body of the jellyfish must be detached immediately and the affected area will be washed abundantly with the water from the sea . The use of sea water, which is salty, is very important because, unlike the sweet one, the sea water does not increase the jellyfish sting symptoms.

The part of skin affected by the bite must be covered by the sun's rays ; the sting will have made it very sensitive and the direct contact with the sun would cause it to darken causing scarring that is not aesthetic and difficult to make it go away with time.

The sting of the jellyfish, in some respects, is very similar to the burn. The stinging cells inside the tentacles activate particular filaments that are inserted into the skin, emitting neurotoxic, stinging and paralyzing proteins . Just like the burn, the effects of jellyfish sting can last for a few hours or a few days, depending on the type of aggression and the type of skin of the affected individual.

Burn and itching first appear, then the affected area will undergo a strong reddening and the skin surface will tend to rise in relief. Sometimes these symptoms can be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, increased sweating, dizziness and difficulty breathing . In this case, in the presence of these phenomena, it is better to go to the emergency room, to avoid any other type of reaction and anaphylactic shock.

Excluding these eventualities, which are considered the most serious cases following a jellyfish sting, there are some remedies that can be put into practice immediately after the episode to immediately benefit from the annoyances caused by the jellyfish stinging substances. The first concerns the use of aluminum chloride , easily available in the form of an astringent gel to be applied directly on the affected part. This product can be purchased at the pharmacy and directly request a preparation that has a concentration between 3% and 5% .

To avoid , however, are all products based on antihistamine or cortisone ; these are substances that come into action after about 30 minutes from application, ie after the maximum manifestation of the reaction already tends to regress spontaneously.

If it is very important to know what to do in case of jellyfish sting, it is also essential to know what not to do in case of irritation . Here then is a brief statement to keep in mind if you are in a situation like that.

Do not rub the affected area : to avoid further irritation or damage to the skin
No grandmother's remedies : ammonia, alcohol or vinegar are all home remedies that are best avoided in these cases to avert the risk of further inflammation
Do not scratch yourself : even if the reaction could be instinctive, it is important to resist not to release more poison
Avoid sunbathing on the affected area: as long as the affected area is not healed it is necessary not to expose the skin to the sun. The rays of the sun, in fact, could affect the skin with the formation of dark spots definitely not very anti-aesthetic. If it is impossible to avoid exposure to the sun, opt for a sunscreen with total protection.
6/16/2018 01:09:00 PM

What to do in case of fainting

Svenire is an event that scares everyone, because it involves, even for a few seconds, the loss of knowledge, but the deficit of the senses is a rather frequent event and if it happens it is important to research the causes and listen to the signals that our body is trying to send us. Here then some useful information on fainting and some advice on how to behave if it should happen.

What to do in case of fainting
Science defines it as "syncope" but we all call it fainting. It is a temporary state of loss of consciousness that can have different origins and causes. Svenire, of course, is not normal, but sometimes it can happen only for a condition of high stress, sugar drop or intense sporting activity.

The thought of fainting scares everyone because it is something sudden and a condition in which the body loses consciousness and therefore is no longer masters of their own stimuli and impulses , even if only for a few seconds. Knowing more about the subject and knowing what to do in this eventuality, however, can be of great help, especially if we find ourselves having to help a person who has fainted at home or on the street.

Fainting, however, can also be dangerous, depending on each person's physical and personal condition. But what happens to the body when you faint? Loss of knowledge is instantaneous and while this condition occurs it is very likely that the body will contract; on waking up, in general, those who are caught by fainting have trouble remembering what happened before feeling ill.

The state of confusion and dizziness after a fainting, therefore, is completely normal. What matters, if the situation should occur several times over time, is to contact the family doctor and explain his condition. However, if you happen to witness a fainting of a person on the street it is absolutely essential to provide assistance and possibly call 118 to ensure the victim the right assistance.

First of all it is essential to recognize if it is actually fainting . Syncope, in fact, presents these three characteristics:

Loss of conscience lasts a few seconds , averaging 15 seconds, sometimes a few minutes. Recovery, in case of fainting, always occurs spontaneously.
Generally the fainting is always accompanied by a loss of balance which then leads to the fall
Loss of consciousness, and therefore fainting, must be caused by a reduction in blood flow to the brain . This is why, for example, a glycemic drop can not be classified as syncope.
When fainting occurs it means that blood flow to the brain decreases . Obviously, the underlying cause of this event can be of various kinds, such as a cardiac type of difficulty, when the heart is therefore under stress, or a simple moment of fatigue and stress due to psychological reasons. All of us are potentially at risk of fainting and there is not a precise category of subjects more predisposed to this kind of events.

Immediately before the fainting the affected person will experience a feeling of confusion and dizziness , which precede the loss of consciousness proper. Accompanying these symptoms can also be vertigo, an altered perception of sound and vision and tingling.

If you happen to be fainting and you need to help a person involved, there are some things that you should know about it. The first thing to do in this case is to restore the circulation of blood to the brain . The person must be extended and must have the head at the same level of the heart, possibly with the legs raised . If the state of unconsciousness persists, contact 118 immediately and ask for help. While waiting for help, follow the operator's directions and keep the victim in the indicated position.

If fainting occurs as a result of an episode of vomiting , try not to be alarmed. It could indeed be a side effect linked to an abnormal situation of the organism. This eventuality is considered rather rare, but in any case it is good to be prepared for any eventuality.

At other times it is also possible that, despite the loss of knowledge , a person faint keeps his eyes open . The person then appears with his eyes lost in the void and, even in this case, it is a loss of knowledge with the subject who is completely unable to respond to any external stimulus.

Fainting during pregnancy

Among the symptoms of pregnancy, there is also fainting, an unusual event that usually occurs because the inferior vena cava, which carries blood to the heart, is compressed. As well as vertigo, fainting is also a rather frequent occurrence in pregnancy , due in the majority of cases to a drop in blood sugar or as a natural consequence in those affected by anemia.

Other times, during pregnancy, the person responsible for fainting may be diabetes , or other causes may occur, but it is up to the doctor to diagnose with certainty. What matters is to communicate to your gynecologist any type of disorder so that the doctor can draw a picture as precise as possible about pregnancy.

We have said that anyone can faint and that there are no subjects that are more at risk than others. Sometimes, however, there may be factors that surely predispose a subject to fainting ; those suffering from anemia, for example, will have an organism that is certainly weaker than a person who is not affected and this can expose more to events of this type. What to do in this case?

In addition to pharmacological therapies, which are exclusively for the doctor to administer, even herbs that have special beneficial properties can be useful in case you suffer from weakness that can lead to fainting in the most exasperated situations.

The Ginko Biloba , for example, rich in bio-flavonoids is very useful in case of fainting and improves blood circulation. Even Melissa is a plant indicated in case of fainting; It has soothing properties for the circulatory system and is perfect for relaxing during periods of high stress.

The gnatia is instead recommended in situations of particular nervousness and to combat weakness and pain. The Pulsatilla is particularly useful, however, if the fainting is caused by hormonal factors.

Herbs can offer great benefits, it is true, but it is good to remember that, especially in case of pregnancy , it is always good to consult your doctor before taking any preparation. It is well known, in fact, that some medicinal herbs have the power to cancel the effect of some drugs.

Is it possible to prevent fainting? In theory the answer is no; being a sudden manifestation that indicates that something in the body is not working at that moment fainting can seize even when we least expect it . But if we know with certainty, from the medical point of view, what causes episodes of fainting, you can try to stem the phenomenon . For example, keeping your blood sugar level stable can be a good way to try to prevent fainting. Even eating regularly , without skipping meals, is essential to avoid having sudden changes that can cause a fainting.

Try to imagine making a huge effort in the morning, as soon as you wake up and without having breakfast. In this case you may experience a dizziness and a sudden drop in sugar that could lead to fainting. It is also important to change the diet and make sure to include foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet .

Often in front of the sudden fainting of someone who is close to us scares for the simple reason that not everyone knows how to behave in these cases. Knowing what to do and how to do it is always useful and also helps those who are in the position of having to help to stay calm and remain lucid. Here then a brief guide of the correct behavior and not in case of fainting.

Support the victim during fainting and accompany the fall if possible to avoid head injuries
Place the victim in a supine position
Loosen any clothing that may cause obstruction , such as a tie and scarf
Raise the lower limbs , but ONLY if you are sure that there is no trauma to the spine and the victim has not fainted as a result of a traffic accident. In this case the person must not be moved for any reason before the rescue arrives
Cover the victim with a blanket if you are outdoors and the weather is harsh
Do not try to revive the victim by shaking , slapping or giving alcohol
when the victim regains consciousness, do not raise her but keep her in the supine position until she is able to stand up alone
6/16/2018 01:08:00 PM

Dentists in Croatia: savings and quality

Probably the answer to the question in question is very simple: the crisis. Lack of money is one of the main reasons why more and more people in Italy have decided to turn to dentists in Croatia.

Choose dentists in Croatia

Obviously, this can not be the only reason, because if high professionalism and quality of facilities were not guaranteed, dental tourism would not have survived. The clinics also offer all-inclusive packages, which in addition to the actual medical intervention, also combine a relaxing holiday in Croatia. In recent times, dental tourism in this country has experienced an incredible exponential growth and more and more Italians come to this wonderful nation for dental care, both aesthetically and more invasive. A recent study estimates that around 70,000 Italians go abroad each year for dental treatment. The main factor that has caused this phenomenon to increase dramatically, is obviously economic savings. For some interventions it is calculated that the savings are even around 70%! Considering that the costs in our facilities are very high (not to mention waiting times) we are talking about a really considerable saving.

Despite overseas research in health care not only concerns dental care, this sector has shown strong growth immediately, turning it into a real mass phenomenon over the years and for a very simple reason: among many specialists , dentists belong to a very expensive category. Among the many Eastern countries that today offer advanced facilities and professional medical teams, Croatia is one of the best countries in the sector and is chosen every year by many Italians for their dental care. To clarify the enormous difference between the costs of dental care in Italy and Croatia, we can give a very simple example: the cost of a complete dentition. In our country the price is around 1500 euros, in Croatia the cost is only 1/3, or 500 euros! It follows that if we wanted to spend the same amount we should go to Croatia, where we can spend a luxury holiday with 1000 euros for one or two weeks! Among the many advanced clinics that are present in this beautiful country, one of the most renowned is the Cukon dental clinic , a company specialized in dental care born in 2002 and which already boasts thousands of satisfied patients.

The clinic has a very large structure, about 200 m2 of various laboratories, with teams of professionals specialized in any type of intervention. The Cukon dental clinic in fact, is able to offer its patients a wide range of services , including an advanced diagnosis, performed with equipment that would dwarf many that are found in most dental offices in Italy. The company formulates the diagnosis with a careful phase of control, focused on each patient. Moreover, for those who want to eliminate the signs of aging from their face, the Cukon dental clinic also offers real, non-invasive beauty treatments., suitable for correcting facial wrinkles using the famous hyaluronic acid, the long life elixir that also use many people in the show. The clinic is located in the beautiful capital of Pula, a city that offers tourists beautiful beaches, typical shops and local restaurants where you can enjoy many local delicacies. In short, with a holiday in Croatia you kill two birds with one stone and all saving on what you would spend in Italy, without compromising quality and professionalism!Probably the answer to the question in question is very simple: the crisis. Lack of money is one of the main reasons why more and more people in Italy have decided to turn to dentists in Croatia.

Choose dentists in Croatia

Obviously, this can not be the only reason, because if high professionalism and quality of facilities were not guaranteed, dental tourism would not have survived. The clinics also offer all-inclusive packages, which in addition to the actual medical intervention, also combine a relaxing holiday in Croatia. In recent times, dental tourism in this country has experienced an incredible exponential growth and more and more Italians come to this wonderful nation for dental care, both aesthetically and more invasive. A recent study estimates that around 70,000 Italians go abroad each year for dental treatment. The main factor that has caused this phenomenon to increase dramatically, is obviously economic savings. For some interventions it is calculated that the savings are even around 70%! Considering that the costs in our facilities are very high (not to mention waiting times) we are talking about a really considerable saving.

Despite overseas research in health care not only concerns dental care, this sector has shown strong growth immediately, turning it into a real mass phenomenon over the years and for a very simple reason: among many specialists , dentists belong to a very expensive category. Among the many Eastern countries that today offer advanced facilities and professional medical teams, Croatia is one of the best countries in the sector and is chosen every year by many Italians for their dental care. To clarify the enormous difference between the costs of dental care in Italy and Croatia, we can give a very simple example: the cost of a complete dentition. In our country the price is around 1500 euros, in Croatia the cost is only 1/3, or 500 euros! It follows that if we wanted to spend the same amount we should go to Croatia, where we can spend a luxury holiday with 1000 euros for one or two weeks! Among the many advanced clinics that are present in this beautiful country, one of the most renowned is the Cukon dental clinic , a company specialized in dental care born in 2002 and which already boasts thousands of satisfied patients.

The clinic has a very large structure, about 200 m2 of various laboratories, with teams of professionals specialized in any type of intervention. The Cukon dental clinic in fact, is able to offer its patients a wide range of services , including an advanced diagnosis, performed with equipment that would dwarf many that are found in most dental offices in Italy. The company formulates the diagnosis with a careful phase of control, focused on each patient. Moreover, for those who want to eliminate the signs of aging from their face, the Cukon dental clinic also offers real, non-invasive beauty treatments., suitable for correcting facial wrinkles using the famous hyaluronic acid, the long life elixir that also use many people in the show. The clinic is located in the beautiful capital of Pula, a city that offers tourists beautiful beaches, typical shops and local restaurants where you can enjoy many local delicacies. In short, with a holiday in Croatia you kill two birds with one stone and all saving on what you would spend in Italy, without compromising quality and professionalism!
6/16/2018 01:08:00 PM

Low blood pressure: what to do?

When we talk about alterations in blood pressure, the discussion always revolves around the values ​​that make it high or low. High blood pressure is perhaps the best known condition, but what do we know about low blood pressure? What are the characteristics of this condition? And what to do if the values ​​are lower than the norm? So here's everything you need to know about the subject, about prevention and lifestyles to combat low blood pressure.

What to do in case of low blood pressure
The arterial pressure varies from person to person and the normal values , in general, are those included between 120/70 and 140/90 mmHg . Below these values ​​we speak of low pressure , also called hypotension, to indicate that the systolic pressure, that is the maximum, is less than 90 mmHg .

Mens sana in corpore sano, said the ancients and, in fact, even with regard to pressure, there are two secrets: healthy nutrition and physical activity. It is not necessary to play sports at a competitive level; even long walks, but made with constancy, can help the body to keep fit and to help maintain pressure levels .

Without due consideration, it is also necessary to consider the possibility that, due to physiological causes that vary from person to person, the pressure falls below the threshold considered normal . We therefore speak of hypotension, a rather widespread phenomenon that may depend on several factors. But let's see why it happens and what are the measures that, in addition to consulting the doctor, we can put into practice to restore the levels of pressure.

When the maximum pressure falls above the threshold considered normal, the minimum pressure is also lowered, even if, in general, when the minimum pressure is less than 60 mmHg the causes are to look for other pathologies, such as the stiffness of the arteries or insufficiency of the aortic valve. In any case, low blood pressure is considered a benign condition, but it is always good to keep it under control and to be informed of any risks.

When the pressure drops, more or less abruptly, very specific symptoms may occur, such as dizziness , a feeling of nausea , a pale face and a cold sweat . On the other hand, if the situation is chronic, the indicator of this condition may be a simple sense of tiredness, lack of concentration and a feeling of perennial fatigue.

Symptoms often occur when the body changes position, from lying to sitting or vice versa or in the morning when you wake up. This is because the body is able to control the amount of blood circulating through vasoconstriction and when this mechanism does not work as it should, here are the symptoms described. Low blood pressure, however, can be a common condition for those who follow a very intense sporting regime or have a very poor diet of salt which, as is known, tends to increase the pressure.

The value of one's own pressure must always be communicated to one's family doctor who, if there is an unstable situation, will proceed to measure it constantly to monitor the situation over time. Low pressure therapy depends on the causes that cause this alteration .

There are conditions, then, in which having the pressure slightly below the standard values ​​is perfectly normal. This happens especially in the summer , when the heat contributes to this kind of alteration , making us feel more tired, weaker and exhausted.

In cases of slight alterations, it is sufficient to adopt some precautions that, under medical supervision, can help to normalize the situation. Seasoning the dishes you eat with a little more salt , for example, but without abounding to avoid the opposite danger, can help to normalize a very low pressure. Likewise, even aerobic physical activity can help, as well as avoiding exposure to the sun during the hottest hours .

In other cases, low blood pressure is the direct consequence of a drug , or more than one, which is being taken at that moment. The drugs that treat Parkinson's, those that treat the prostate and the diuretic drugs have, as a side effect, to lower the pressure.

If low blood pressure is a chronic situation, there are measures that help to keep the situation under control, such as compressive elastic stockings . Other times it is necessary to intervene with some small measures , such as contracting the muscles of the buttocks and thighs , cross the legs and rest the legs on the chair when we are lying down.

For those suffering from low blood pressure and often has the feeling of fainting at any moment it is good to go to bed with the legs raised higher than the level of the heart. This remedy, also useful in case of fainting, serves to make sure that the circulation of blood to the brain is restored.

The family doctor must always keep the situation under control and, if these measures prove to be ineffective, intervene with the prescription of drugs based on cortisone, which retain fluids and salt, or vasoconstricting drugs with all the side effects that they entail.

Low blood pressure and lifestyle

Lifestyle and values ​​of pressure go hand in hand and, if you particularly care about feeding and regular sports, you have more chances of not having problems with blood pressure. The diet must always be correct and balanced , with a large intake of fruit and vegetables and very few fats , known to be the enemies par excellence of the heart.

To have normal blood pressure, it is also necessary to reduce the consumption of alcohol, cigarette smoking and learn to eat and chew well . This last aspect is often underestimated but it is fundamental to guarantee a good digestion which, in order to work, needs a lot of blood. For this reason the classic "binges" should be limited as much as possible in favor of light meals and well-balanced during the day and possibly followed by long walks.

To be avoided in the most total way are the sauna and the Turkish bath , conditions that put the body under stress and tend to lower the level of blood pressure. For the same reason, it is important to stay in the shade , in summer, during the hottest hours of the day and allow yourself a break under the umbrella when the heat becomes suffocating.

The low pressure, in itself, is not a dangerous condition and can easily be countered by putting into practice some simple precautions. At other times, however, low blood pressure can be a sign of a more serious pathology , such as an arrhythmia, internal bleeding, a heart failure or a neurological disorder.

If you are accused of disorders such as dizziness, feeling of nausea, fatigue and cold sweating, you need to measure the pressure to confirm that the discomfort is really caused by a low level of pressure. It is also good to remember that, in the first instance, the pressure may be normal and that it is therefore good practice to repeat the measurement several times at five-minute intervals .

To check whether the disturbances that are accused are to be attributed to low pressure, it is useful to proceed with the measurement called pressure . This type of measurement is detected with the subject seated and, after five minutes, the person is asked to stand up for three minutes and then sit down again. Measuring the pressure in this way can be used to see , or not, a sharp drop in blood pressure , providing a first idea to go and investigate the real causes of the accused hassles.

Choosing carefully which foods to eat in case of low blood pressure can be a valid help. The whole grains , though not meet the tastes of all, are excellent allies against low pressure. They contain vitamin B and C and are rich in minerals, especially iron, potassium and magnesium .

The greens , as we have said, should never miss. But which ones do you prefer in case of low blood pressure? Potatoes, string beans, courgettes, peppers and a green salad should never be left in the fridge, along with nuts , such as walnuts and almonds. As for the fruit, however, the bananas , rich in potassium, along with peaches and apricots , in addition to berries, under a panacea for those with low blood pressure.

Do not forget, then, to drink plenty of water during the day , essential to maintain the correct level of hydration in the body. In case of low pressure it is advisable to choose a water rich in mineral salts, ideal for regularizing the pressure.

To guarantee the body the right amount of mineral salts, to combat low blood pressure it is advisable to consume the raw vegetables that, unlike the cooked ones, keep intact all their nutritive properties. Vegetable smoothies and centrifuges are perfect and can be consumed in the morning, at breakfast, or even in mid-afternoon and during meals. Apple, celery and lemon , for example, contain all the nutrients needed to help the body restore the right level of pressure.
6/16/2018 01:07:00 PM

What to do in case of nausea

Pregnancy, intoxication or general malaise causes flu. The nausea can be generated by several factors and what is important is to go in search of the reasons that provoke it in order to resolve the situation in the best possible way. But what to do in case of nausea? And how to alleviate the hassle? So here's all you need to know and some advice on how to behave.

What to do in case of nausea
The nausea is a physical condition of uneasiness and discomfort , it can manifest itself in different ways and for different causes and what is important is to understand the origin to fight the best. When you feel nauseous, the first suspicion that arises is that of a pregnancy . The first months of gestation, depending on the cases, are known as the most difficult precisely because of the nausea, morning and otherwise, which can create many problems, such as dehydration and little appetite.

But the nausea can also arise during an influenza state , when the stomach or intestine has been attacked by some virus, by a food poisoning or by a sense of psychological distress that can also manifest itself through the feeling of having to put back. If the symptoms persist, the first thing to do is contact your doctor, explain what the problems are and let yourself be guided along a diagnostic path aimed at identifying the problem.

At all, sooner or later, it may happen to suffer from nausea. The disorder is very localized and is perceived at the pharynx, throat and near the stomach. The feeling of nausea can also manifest suddenly , last for a short time or stay for a few days . The causes are numerous and trying to know in more depth is certainly a good way to better listen to our body.

We have said that the causes that can trigger nausea are numerous and among these are indigestion, intestinal problems, possible gastritis or other diseases . Apart from pregnancy, the nausea can also arise due to a simple fatigue of the organism, a labyrinthitis in place or an environmental situation, such as travel by boat or plane.

This disorder is very frequent, especially in women and children, but it is not necessarily said that at the base there must be a precise triggering factor. Sometimes you just need a little stress , a bit of fatigue and a state of anxiety to make the nausea appear.

The symptoms are quite evident; in case of nausea it is possible to find an excessive salivation, the sensation of having to vomit and a general state of malaise often accompanied by dizziness, food refusal and migraine . Vomiting can sometimes be a liberating act, especially if the nausea is caused by a bad indigestion, but it is not said that you get to this; nausea can also not lead to vomiting, but sometimes it shows up to warn us that something in our body does not work as it should.

Nausea becomes a very common symptom even in the case of flu , especially when a viral manifestation affects the stomach or intestine. The doctor, of course, must always be informed, not only to keep under control the personal situation of the patient, but also to advise what is the best therapy to alleviate the discomfort that the nausea causes.

Then there is the nausea due to pregnancy , which affects women especially in the first trimester of pregnancy but depending on the cases and the physical predispositions of each woman can also manifest during the following months of pregnancy. In this case the nausea is due to the increase in hormones typical of pregnancy, such as estrogen, progesterone and HCG

In any case, when the nausea suddenly breaks up it is better to leave the stomach to rest, to remain fasting for a few hours and to remain as much as possible at rest to release the tension of the muscles. When you start eating again, it is good to start with light foods , better if dried, such as apple , crackers and bread and avoid dairy products, fried foods, acidity drinks, such as coffee and orange juice. , and very seasoned foods that could sharpen the sense of nausea or make it come back soon.

The nausea then, but of course it is up to the doctor to stipulate any kind of diagnosis, it can also be caused by the gastroesophageal reflux and the difficulty of the stomach to manage the gastric juices that, in addition to the classic acidity, if they do not work properly can also cause a strong sense of nausea. Another case in which an annoying sense of nausea can occur is the menstrual cycle , and sometimes even ovulation; this situation is often due to a hormonal overhang that, in any case, must be confirmed and diagnosed by the doctor

Preventing nausea is possible, especially if knowing our body well we can understand what causes it and to what extent. Sometimes, for example, it happens to somatize stressful situations and this has relapses on the stomach with the appearance of nausea. Yoga, autogenous training, a bit of healthy sports are the perfect remedy to prevent the nausea caused by stress.

In other cases, nausea is a reaction of our body to something that they eat and that does not do us good. This can happen if we eat a spoiled food , or if we eat our body eating a food that is not good for us, as in the case of intolerances or allergies . In fact, it is not rare for people who say they feel a strong sense of nausea after eating a specific food such as bread or pasta, and in this case listening to their body is essential to understand what's wrong as it should.

Generally speaking, those who suffer from nausea should abandon liquid foods during the days of greatest discomfort and prefer solid ones , even if it should not be forgotten that it is liquids, especially water, that provides the body with the right dose of hydration. Amongst solid foods it is better to prefer fruits and vegetables ; in particular, bananas , rich in potassium, or courgettes , are among the foods that help fight the sense of nausea, along with spinach, broccoli and cabbage .

No fried food, food purchased in fast food or ready-to-eat and frozen foods rich in preservatives and additives ; fatigue the body and in case of nausea are absolutely to be avoided. On the market there are also some special candies that help to fight the sense of nausea , particularly useful, according to some, in the case of long travel by car or coach that cause a sense of malaise widespread.

The nausea is a physical annoyance that has been presented to man since ancient times and it is therefore normal that, over the years, man has devoted himself to the search for remedies to combat this malaise by relying solely and exclusively on the products that the nature offers us. Among those considered portentous there is peppermint , very effective against nausea and the feeling of vomiting thanks to its digestive properties, to be taken in the form of herbal tea or in a fresh version to be used to season dishes .

Even ginger is an excellent remedy against nausea; just prepare an herbal tea using a piece of fresh root and the feeling of general discomfort will disappear in a short time. Ginger is also excellent as an infusion against stomach ache, for indigestion and in all cases in which the symptoms of intestinal exhaustion are accused. The chamomile is the third ally against nausea, along with Bach flowers, excellent if drunk as a tea as soon as you experience symptoms of nausea.

A little known method, but considered a true panacea against nausea, is the cooking water of rice , provided it is not too salty. If you have a few at your fingertips, drinking small amounts of it and taking small sips is a good way to alleviate the feeling of nausea due to an influenza state or malaise caused by a food responsible for indigestion.

Nausea is a feeling of discomfort that can affect anyone at any time of the day and when it suddenly manifests becomes difficult to manage , especially when we are away from home, in the office or in the presence of other people. If you are used to taking pharmaceutical remedies such as candies that quench your nausea , it is always advisable to keep some in your pocket , if a strong attack of nausea is missed at the least opportune moments.

In the absence of these remedies at hand, in case of anxiety attack it is good to stay with the head facing up for a few minutes; this position is the most suitable to allow acids that cause nausea to remain in the stomach and not to go up along the walls. In case of feeling of vomiting, it is good to follow the signal of the body and let go of the muscles and never hold back the instinct.
6/16/2018 01:07:00 PM

What to do in case of indigestion

Everyone can eat too much or take in quantity a certain food that causes heaviness in the abdomen and discomfort. This condition is called "indigestion" and is a rather frequent phenomenon. But what to do if it shows up? Here then are the symptoms to recognize it and the remedies, natural or not, to combat this annoyance.

What to do in case of indigestion
To all, at least once, it happened to accuse an abdominal discomfort and to pronounce the fateful phrase "I did indigestion". This condition, in fact, happens very frequently, especially for the weakest people at stomach and intestine levels, and indicates various disorders that, depending on the case, are located at the level of the abdomen .

The term "indigestion" is used to indicate in general a poor digestion and abdominal swelling that, depending on the person, can also manifest itself accompanied by thick, nausea and headache, also depending on the severity of the episode. We begin to know better what the symptoms of indigestion are.

Depending on the case, in the event of indigestion the following symptoms are reported:

Feeling of satiety , which can occur after eating or even during the meal itself
Hardness in the abdomen : this sensation is typical of the hard to the touch
Stomach pain : it can be mild or very intense with the appearance of annoying pangs
Heartburn : it is possible to feel an annoying sensation of burning, just at the level of the upper abdomen.
Nausea : you can also feel a sense of nausea and have the feeling of having to vomit at any moment
Listening to your body, in any case, is essential. Often, in fact, all these symptoms are perceived but in a mild form, with the sensation of being through a passing malaise destined to vanish within a short time. In some cases, however, it is better to contact the doctor , especially if the ailments continue for more than two weeks and the following symptoms are found:

Loss of appetite
Feces of black color
Skin that assumes a yellowish color
The stomach ache, in itself, is not a disorder that involves serious complication, but remains a malaise that, if not treated properly, can make you uncomfortable during the life of every day and push you, just because of the trouble that causes, to eat less and less. The doctor will determine what kind of severity there is in this malaise and, if deemed necessary, to send the patient to a gastroenterologist for an accurate visit.

Indigestion is a malaise that medicine calls "functional dyspepsia" and usually occurs after finishing the meal. At the abdominal level, between the breastbone and the navel, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling that can sometimes be accompanied by pain, dense, burning or acidity. Indigestion is easy to recognize; sometimes it can occur right while we are eating . Suddenly you no longer want to continue the meal and you are seized with a feeling of abdominal blockage.

In other cases, indigestion is caused by what we ate, but in relation to external causes. In winter, or during the mid-seasons, when the weather is still uncertain, it may happen to eat and go out in the open air shortly without covering up sufficiently . During digestion, this can become deleterious and cause the body to react in this way.

Sometimes even indigestion can be caused by various factors:

Incorrect chewing or a habit of eating too quickly
Nutrition rich in fatty or over-seasoned foods
Excessive coffee consumption
Consumption of alcohol
The indigestion is nothing but the signal that our abdomen sends to signal that it is having difficulty digesting . The signals that it sends us may be different, also depending on the severity of indigestion, and range from more or less intense cramps to vomiting and nausea.

If the episode is sporadic it can be solved with a simple anti-acid, but sometimes the feeling of discomfort can worsen considerably, especially if the indigestion is reported by sudden cold sweating, belching and severe headache . Just even drink an ice-cold drink too quickly, and here's your stomach affected.

The first thing to do in case of indigestion is to stop eating and get to rest . Depending on the pain or discomfort experienced at a given moment you may feel further annoyance from lying down or sitting down: the right position to take at that moment is the one in which you feel less annoyance.

A hot water bottle on the abdomen can be very helpful in these cases; the heat helps to calm the pain and relax the stomach walls. Then there are some drugs that can be taken to combat abdominal disorders of this type. If you decide to take them, however, it is absolutely essential to seek the opinion of your doctor first . In fact, there are many drugs that have different contraindications and it is only for the doctor to prescribe the right medicine, especially if these episodes are frequent during the year.

In nature, however, the remedies for the stomach are many and even in case of indigestion, they prove useful and valuable to alleviate the sense of malaise that grips us at the moment. Herbal teas, decoctions, infusions and some foods can be of great help in these cases. But what are these remedies?


A nice cup of hot chamomile can work wonders in case of indigestion. Chamomile has soothing abdominal and digestive properties and is also ideal to combat nausea and the sense of heaviness that manifests itself when you feel you have not digested well.

Sodium bicarbonate

It is a substance present in all kitchens and is often the basic ingredient of many digestive drugs. Just dissolve a teaspoon inside a glass of water and drink the preparation: the bicarbonate will neutralize the acids that are present in the stomach and will help the digestion process.


Ginger has excellent properties, especially for the stomach. Soothes the swelling, helps digestion, fights nausea and the feeling of fullness . It is better to consume it fresh; cut the root into small pieces and boil it to prepare an infusion. Depending on the taste the tea can also be consumed with the addition of lemon.


This fruit is a friend of the stomach and digestion in general. As soon as the apple reaches the intestine, it has the function of cleaning up any obstructions present inside it; in a short time therefore it alleviates pain, discomfort and swelling . Remember also that it is better to eat the apple with the skin, rich in fibers that are very good for the intestine.


Even cinnamon is a good remedy, even if not well known, to soothe stomach discomfort . Just prepare a cinnamon tea, or prepare an infusion directly with the berries, as soon as you experience symptoms of swelling or you struggle to digest.


Coriander is a lesser-known spice, but it does not therefore possess properties considered portentous, especially for digestive and intestinal disorders. To fight them just prepare an herbal tea: boil a sprig of coriander and then leave it to rest about ten minutes before drinking.

Indigestion can happen to everyone, when we are out for dinner, when we eat a sandwich outside a room and we are not covered enough or when we simply eat too much at a party or a family gathering. But this does not mean that we can put into practice some tricks to try to prevent as much as possible the indigestion and all the hassles that it entails.

To follow a healthier lifestyle and food, for example, can help a lot, along with a little attention to the habitual use of drugs. Here then are the rules to follow to take care of our digestive system :

Commit to chew slowly : eat slowly, chew well and enjoy the food without swallowing it too quickly.
Avoid foods that are high in fat and over-seasoned, which will work on digestion
Smoking and alcohol are enemies of well-being and can trigger stomach ache more frequently
Maintaining the weight : not only for greater general well-being but also because the excess fat presses on the abdomen altering the right work of the gastric juices.
Doing sports : training is good for the body and prevents the body from getting fat by accumulating excess pounds. But never immediately after meals: start playing sports only after having digested correctly
Eating well is important, and not just from the point of view of food choice. You have to eat meals in harmony, calmly and in a relaxed environment as much as possible . Even if you have little time available, take your time: eat your feet and in five minutes it's not good for your stomach.
Eat a little and make more meals a day
Reduce the use of drugs: anti-inflammatories, in particular, are not good for the stomach: they irritate the walls and fatigue it. So it is good to take medicines only if necessary and always and only on the advice of the doctor.
6/16/2018 01:06:00 PM

What to do in case of Herpes

Herpes, also known as "lip fever" is a very common condition. Always considered annoying and decidedly anti-aesthetic, Herpes is a disorder that can also have psychological causes and that needs care and attention to be eliminated properly. Here then is all there is to know about it, from the causes to the most effective remedies.

What to do in case of herpes
In Italy at least one in three people suffers and at least 15% of the adult population complain of annoying relapses during the last year. L ' Herpes is a very annoying disease and to treat it better and fight it you need to know it thoroughly and know what are the environmental and psychological factors that cause it and what are the correct procedures to be to stay away from the dreaded "fever on the lip ".

The virus that causes this disease is called Herpes Simplex type 1 . 90% of people are healthy carriers of this type of virus, but this is not the only one. There is also another variant , type 2 , which is the main cause of only 2% of Herpes cases among the population.

When it comes into contact with this virus for the first time, what is known as "primary infection" takes place. This means that the virus is able to survive within the organism and to remain latent even for a short time, to then activate itself and manifest itself during certain circumstances that may also depend on a weak state of health.

The incubation , in general, has a duration of ten days and is the period that precedes the actual infection. The virus manifests itself very simply through fever and some vesicular eruptions on the surface of the lips or inside the oral cavity. Sometimes the vesicles can ulcerate and cause pain, in an intensity so strong as to prevent normal swallowing during meals. It usually heals from Herpes in two weeks, although infection, especially in the case of children, can also occur in other parts of the body.

We initially said that this virus manifests itself in two variants. Of the two, variant 2 is the rarest and is known as an infection affecting the genitals . The sexually active population is affected, and any person can be affected by this virus and infected through unprotected sex.

In this case, the incubation lasts about 5 days and after this period there are some vesicles visible to the naked eye and localized. The vesicles are destined to break and this situation can be accompanied, in case both women have been infected, by vaginitis and fever. In about 20 days and with the right therapy , healing takes place quickly.

Science explains how the first contact with the HSV-1 virus occurs in the first years of life of any individual, through a pathology known as gingiva-herpetic stomatitis . This term that seems a bit 'abstruse, other does not indicate that some small lesions of the mucosa that occur at the level of the oral cavity.

When the primary infection has occurred, then the direct contact with the virus, it enters the nerve endings at the level of the epidermis and remains, even for a long time, in a latent state , ready to awaken as soon as the favourable conditions.

In many cases Herpes infection occurs without symptoms, to the point that many people develop the necessary antibodies without even knowing they have been exposed to this type of disease. On the other hand, if the infection manifests itself from the clinical point of view , with the classic vesicles that we all know as "lip fever".

We could divide the Herpes phases into four steps:

The phase of the symptoms : in this moment are manifested those that are the specific symptoms of this pathology as the burning, the pain and the itch . This phase can be very short, and last only a few hours, or it can continue for a few days. In this period, moreover, it is contagious, even if the vesicles have not yet manifested themselves.

The phase of the vesicles : on the lips appear the vesicles, similar to the pustules, with a variable size between 2 and 5 mm and recognizable by the yellow liquid that they contain inside them.
The ulcer phase : in this phase the pustules explode, the liquid that comes out is very contagious and in place of the pustules there is a sort of pustule.
The phase of crust formation : it is the moment when Herpes creates itching, pain, and discomfort. A sort of crust is formed and at this moment it is no longer able to infect others.
The Herpes virus is very contagious and is transmitted via saliva or through injuries. Exchange of effusions, liquids, but also exchange of towels, clothes and crockery therefore favors the contagion between people. It is also possible to be infected by yourself: this happens when a person transmits the virus to other parts of his body, such as the eye or the nose.

The vesicles that are formed as a result of the infection should not be touched. Moreover, during all stages of the virus it is important to follow your personal hygiene practices more carefully than usual ; then wash your hands more often and try to touch as little as possible objects that you share with other family members. Herpes is a virus that may affect, as mentioned above, even the genital areas and Herpes labialis can also be transmitted to the genital tract and vice versa.

Certainly it is a nuisance that can cause pain and itching, but to allow the area affected by Herpes to heal properly it is necessary to have patience and, above all, not scratch or try to remove the crust . This not only increases healing times but exposes the skin to other infectious agents.

The infection usually lasts about ten days , although sometimes, depending on the case, it may remain around the lip a sort of red spot that tends to become lighter until it disappears in the following days. Genital herpes , on the other hand, takes longer and requires, especially for women, periodic check-ups to monitor the regression of the lesion.

The infection is treated with anti-viral drugs that prevent the virus from multiplying and allowing proper healing. To try to soothe the burning and itching due to the presence of pustules and the formation of the crust then, it is possible to buy in pharmacies some patches that serve to protect the clinical manifestation of the virus and to prevent scratching the affected part.

Anyone who has already been infected by the Herpes virus is more prone to recurrence, but in general we are all exposed to this infection. And our immune system plays a very important role in all of this. For this reason it is necessary to strengthen it as much as possible in order for the body to act as a screen to attack viruses and external agents.

The factors that are considered responsible for the onset of Herpes are:

Stress : it is known to everyone that during periods of high stress our immune defenses are weaker and it is necessary to stimulate them to do their job well.
Hormonal changes : those suffering from hormonal changes are more prone to being infected by the Herpes virus
Epidermal traumas : cosmetic surgery, shaving and other interventions affecting the face can pave the way for the Herpes virus
Herpes is a very old problem that, in the absence of medicines, in the past has always been treated with natural remedies and household products. The grandmother's classic remedies , in short, that even in this case could prove to be very useful in case of annoyance and pain.

The first is lemon juice . The lemon is an acidic food and this property helps the blisters to burst, thus favoring the formation of the crust. Simply squeeze the lemon and make compresses soaked every day using a clean cotton cloth.

Even vinegar can help you a lot in case of Herpes and also in this case the best solution is the compresses . The sore vinegar note, however, is that it could cause you burning, but if you are old enough you can fix it by applying an ice pack immediately after that of vinegar.

The oil 31 , however, is a tincture prepared from herbs that has excellent anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties very useful against the Herpes virus. Just put a few drops on a cotton cloth and practice a simple compress once a day.

In addition to this, remember that Herpes, like all other viruses, is an external agent that attempts to attack the human body when it finds fertile ground for it, which is a weak immune system . Strengthening it, therefore, is the best way to fight infection and prevention must start above all at the table; fruits, vegetables, but also potassium, vitamins and magnesium are the foods and components that must never be lacking in our diet.
6/16/2018 01:06:00 PM

What to do in case of high blood pressure

The values ​​of the pressure should always be within the norm, in order to avoid various cardiovascular disorders and all the risks involved. What if we discover we have high blood pressure? Here then is all the information that is useful to know to measure and keep their blood pressure at bay, to have a healthier life and preserve their well-being.

What to do in case of high blood pressure
The blood pressure is the force with which blood travels along the arteries of our body . Its values ​​must remain as stable as possible because any changes will expose us to the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases that may jeopardize our health. High blood pressure is also known by the term "hypertension" and to diagnose it must be a doctor, after measuring the blood pressure with the appropriate tool.

When the pressure values ​​rise the heart may be damaged, as well as the blood vessels, kidneys and other organs of the body. Age is a very important factor; in fact, the pressure tends to increase as the body ages . Add to this the good eating habits and sports activity, essential to keep the body in a state of well-being.

Having the pressure that falls within the values ​​considered normal is very important because it protects us from cardiovascular diseases in which the value of pressure plays an important role. We are talking about heart attacks, obstructed arteries, strokes and other heart conditions that also affect blood cholesterol levels.

Blood cholesterol levels and the right blood pressure values ​​are two aspects that should not be considered because the good health of the heart depends on the two of them. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can become two very dangerous elements together and that is why you need to follow a healthy and low-fat diet, which go to affect the arteries, and keep your pressure constantly monitored.

Blood pressure is measured by taking two important reference values ​​into account; the systolic pressure , also known as the "maximum", and the diastolic pressure , the "minimum". The highest number of the measurement corresponds to the systolic pressure while the lowest to the diastolic. Considering an adult subject, the normal values of pressure are around 120 maximum and 80 minimum . Beyond this threshold, based on the increase in value, we talk about pre-hypertension, grade 1 hypertension and grade 2 hypertension.

The more the pressure increases, the greater the risk of incurring cardiovascular diseases. The pressure must be constantly measured and it is the duty of the general practitioner to establish the right process to monitor the situation or, possibly, to intervene with pharmacological therapy.

Some conditions increase the possibility of suffering from high blood pressure:

Age : the older you get and the greater the chance that the pressure will rise
Familiarity : high blood pressure tends to be hereditary
Overweight : excess fat is the enemy of the heart, of the arteries and therefore also of the pressure
Sedentary lifestyle: those with a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to have high blood pressure
Smoking : tobacco increases blood pressure and damages the arteries
Incorrect nutrition: a diet rich in salt and saturated fats is the enemy of blood pressure
Alcohol : over time, alcohol can damage the heart. Never exceed, especially with spirits, which should be avoided.
Stress : needless to say that stress can also contribute to raising blood pressure
Those who suffer from high blood pressure do not always have very specific symptoms that suggest a rise in pressure. Sometimes, however, it is possible to accuse some general annoyance , such as severe headache or loss of blood from the nose . These are disorders, however, which usually occur when high blood pressure is at an advanced stage and most of the time those who find they have high blood pressure do so following a medical examination.

Precisely because the increase in pressure is something asymptomatic, it is important to visit the doctor periodically for a check-up and learn how to measure the pressure yourself , even with electrical devices that you can easily buy today. It is also important to measure the pressure in the absence of some symptoms, to be informed about what are their values ​​and to be able to communicate them to the doctor in case of need.

And let's get to the point: what to do when we realize we have high blood pressure? There is no definitive cure, but what can be done is to keep the situation under control so that it does not get any worse. Surely it is necessary to pay more attention to their diet and their lifestyle , while sometimes, if the pressure is discovered to be already quite high, it is necessary to intervene with a pharmacological therapy.

But what are, in particular, food behaviors and not that it is good to adopt in case of high blood pressure? In the kitchen, the number one enemy in the event of high blood pressure is salt . In theory it would be necessary to assume a daily sodium amount equal to three grams, even if in reality, many times we tend to exceed this limit by far.

Therefore, it is all that contains a lot of salt, such as products that contain soy sauce, bicarbonate and yeast , but also sausages and canned products , which in addition to salt also contain additives and preservatives, enemies of the arteries and good health of the heart.

In case of high blood pressure the amount of salt used in the kitchen to prepare or season food should also be limited . If in some cases these limitations are difficult, in the case where we have to salt the water of the pasta, for example, in other cases, giving up salt becomes a little simpler. Using spices to season meat, fish and vegetables is in fact a great way to limit the consumption of daily salt.

In addition to some food precautions, movement is required to counteract high blood pressure. The aerobic exercises , as well as being ideal for weight loss, are also what it takes to reduce blood pressure and help the heart activity. You can choose between different types of exercise, such as walking in the park, swimming or cycling ; what counts is making movement, counteracting a sedentary lifestyle and, consequently, keeping the weight always controlled.

The world of nutrition deserves a special mention: in the event of high blood pressure, it can be of great help in combating it and also in terms of prevention. In addition to limiting salt and all those foods that contain saturated fats, what is useful to eat to fight high blood pressure?

Red meat, canned foods, processed meat and everything that contains food additives and preservatives is harmful to the heart , fatigues the arteries and exposes the body to risks that, if associated with an already high pressure, can become very dangerous.

Fruit and vegetables , on the other hand, are precious allies in the event of high blood pressure; they contain many fibers necessary to the muscle fibers of the blood vessels to dilate properly. Even the fish , especially the blue, rich in Omega-3 , is a very important food in view of prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The lupines are foods that contain a lot of protein and are considered a good food to fight cholesterol and high blood pressure. The purple potatoes are instead rich in phytochemical substance precious for our body, while the beet , in particular its juice, is always considered a precious ally against the pressure that tends to rise.

Even nuts , but only if eaten in the right quantities, have a good effect on the protection of the circulatory system and, last but not least, chocolate is also able to help those with high blood pressure. But mind you: only bitter chocolate, no milk chocolate or white chocolate, which contains flavonoids that can make blood vessels more elastic.

Diet and exercise may not be enough, especially when pressure values ​​far exceed those considered normal. In these cases it is necessary to intervene with some drugs , able to stabilize the pressure and make sure that it does not rise further. To decide to proceed in this way is the family doctor who, after carefully evaluating the clinical history of each patient, determines whether it is really time to take the drug for the pressure, usually a tablet that is taken every day to all of life.

Sometimes taking the drug can create some side effects and this depends exclusively on the dosage recommended by the doctor; in fact, the dose can be modified if there are side effects that are difficult to manage and compromising for everyday life.
6/16/2018 01:05:00 PM

What to do in case of high blood sugar

Glycemia is a very important value in blood tests: it measures the amount of glucose that is present in our blood and when the values ​​are raised, it is necessary to carry out investigations to exclude complications on the metabolic level and diabetes. Here is all you need to know about blood sugar and how to behave in case of impaired value.

 What to do in case of high blood sugar

The human body is an incredible, complex machine, in which nature has pondered everything. It is a sort of assembly line in which all the organs and apparatuses have their task. If something skips, the whole well-being of the body is compromised and this is especially true in the case of sugars , substances that we daily insert into the body through our nutrition and which are very important for the production of insulin and for the value of blood sugar .

The term glycemia means the quantity of glucose, and therefore of sugars, present in the body. When the blood tests are done, it is presented in the laboratory precisely because the measurement of this value takes place in the most correct way: in order to calculate the glycemia it is in fact necessary to be fasting .

The sugar present in the blood comes from the intake of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates in the body. The glucose , including simple sugars, is the most important; it is composed of twelve atoms of hydrogen and 6 of carbon and we can find it in simple form , for example inside the fruit, or in its complex form , such as acid or cellulose.

In all people the value of blood sugar throughout the day can change a lot , especially after eating some foods that contain starch or sugar. In any case, knowing the value of your blood sugar is important because the parameter depends on the well-being of all the metabolic functions of our body.

This is why we go for fasting blood tests . In the morning, in fact, our breakfast is mostly made of sugar and after this meal the blood glucose level would rise dramatically, making it impossible to assess the right level of glucose.

Blood sugar increases after each meal ; the sugar after eating reserves in the blood and produces a very important hormone for our body, insulin. Then there are foods that have very high glycemic indexes , while high foods are the cause of lower glycemic peaks, these are the foods to be preferred, those that are able to hold off the rise in blood sugar and that produce less insulin of foods that instead have a strong glycemic index.

The value of blood sugar is very important because it makes sure that within our blood there are enough nutrients to make sure that the body can keep all its cells healthy. In addition to this, it is important that the blood glucose value is constant for:

Keep the brain healthy . Whether the blood sugar is high, and if the levels are lower than normal, the nervous system suffers and the concentration is more difficult.
To better regulate the work of insulin : eating several times during the day allows you to not suffer from sudden changes in blood sugar, while those who eat a lot but a few times a day will have much higher insulin peaks.
The low blood sugar in the blood is not good, as is the presence of too much glucose. Blood sugar rises after eating, but a healthy body with a well functioning organism can manage it better and dispose of it properly. Glucose, and people who suffer from diabetes know it well, can also be measured using a simple tool ; just a pinch caused by a small needle and each of us can know, through the drop of blood taken from the needle, the value of blood sugar in the body at that time.

The normal values of glucose in the blood oscillate between 70/99 mg / dl and, beyond this limit, the blood sugar is defined high. Disruptions of this type can be dangerous for the health of the body and generate, with time, atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes.

Among the consequences of high blood sugar is diabetes mellitus, a disease in which the values ​​are altered and where the value of blood glucose is higher than normal values. The cause of this disease is a variation of insulin , the hormone that allows the body to provide glucose to perform all the energy processes that serve our body.

In these cases, insulin is produced insufficiently by the pancreas or the case occurs when the cells do not respond with the right stimuli in the presence of insulin. In these cases the situation must be immediately normalized and action must be taken on the person's diet and lifestyles .

If your blood sugar is high , doctors recommend a diet that includes 1500/1900 calories a day. But this is not at the discretion of every person; It is up to the doctor to do this kind of assessment and to other specialists, such as the diabetologist and the endocrinologist, who will be able to set the right intervention according to each individual case.

The most frequent cause of high blood sugar is diabetes, a complex disease that can be of different types:

Diabetes mellitus , which provides daily insulin injections and a balanced diet
Type 2 diabetes , the one known to be linked to overweight and an incorrect lifestyle
Gestational diabetes , linked to pregnancy and which, if controlled, regresses spontaneously after delivery.
Then there are other physical conditions that favor the onset of high blood sugar:

Stress, which causes psychological alterations and therefore also organic
Diseases and dysfunction of the thyroid
The symptoms of high blood sugar are fatigue, a strong feeling of thirst, wounds that heal very slowly and polyura . These can be exchanged for normal conditions and that is why in case of doubt you need to contact your doctor and ask to be able to perform blood tests to check the blood glucose values.

The doctor, in his description, can also decide to prescribe the following controls:

Evaluation of all related risk factors
Examination of the glycemic curve
Specialist consultation to set up possible drug therapy
If necessary, you will have to be yourself to measure your blood sugar, with a small device provided by all the pharmacies that serves to monitor blood glucose levels at any time. The device is called a blood glucose meter and consists of a pen with a spike , the strips used to trap the blood that comes out of the small bite that you have to cause and the actual glucometer that can examine the smear.

The procedure is very simple and can be summarized in these brief steps:

Wash your hands well using, if possible, the neutral soap. The water must be warm , because the heat promotes better blood circulation at the level of the hand.
Take the strip inside the container and insert it inside the meter; the device will tell you when it is ready by turning on a small spy on the screen
Prick the fingertip of the hand with a firm gesture in the side areas of the fingertip: in this way the pain will be less intense because at that point there are fewer nerve endings
Slide the drop of blood onto the strip inside the meter and wait for the detection. In generates the device sounds when it is able to provide you with the response and make you read the value of your blood sugar at that precise moment.
In the case of high blood sugar it is very important to follow a healthy and well-groomed diet. Here are the rules to follow in these cases:

Follow a hypocaloric diet in case of overweight. This, however, does not mean doing it yourself, but consulting with medical specialists who can show you the right diet.
Limit the consumption of carbohydrates : pasta and rice are sugars, contain glucose and are enemies in the case of high blood sugar.
Limit the consumption of sweet fruit
Limit the consumption of sugar to sweeten coffee, tea, milk and other beverages
Prefer whole grains
Increase the number of meals during the day , even up to 7, but reduce the number of calories present within each meal
Eat a lot of fiber : this means focusing on all those vegetables that contain few heats, such as radicchio, lettuce, fennel and zucchini
Always dress the food with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil : this is because the fat loosens the absorption of sugars and helps to avoid the glycemic peak after meals
Prefer protein-rich foods such as chicken breast, fish, eggs and lean cheeses
Limit alcohol and if you want to drink wine with meals, choose red wine
6/16/2018 01:04:00 PM

Salt, a precious element and source of life

Food experts have shown that, contrary to what you think, taking the right amount of salt can contribute to the well-being of our body. The vast majority of people know that salt is an element present in nature in large quantities but, at the same time, it underestimates its enormous potential. Our planet is an inexhaustible reserve of "white gold", thanks to the huge expanse of oceanic water that covers two-thirds of the hemisphere, from which we derive the notorious "sea salt".

The use of this salt is, to say the least, infinite: it is used on our tables, to give the right taste to foods; in the food industry, for the long conservation of food so that it does not deteriorate; in the tanning industry, for the processing and treatment of bovine and ovine hides; in the textile industry, to help fabrics retain their colors; finally, the salt is also used for the correct cleaning of the road surface in winter, for example on roads, to counteract the formation of ice and the melting of excess snow.

Buying salt is really a breeze. The most prestigious supermarket chains offer even quite expensive variations of salt. But for the purchase of industrial-type rooms it is necessary to contact "ad-hoc" companies in the wholesale salt trade, such as

The "mission" of this company is to offer any type of rooms for any use. The choice ranges from a variant of thin to iodized salt, up to that of large size or even tablets. Thanks to a great experience gained over the years, Omnia Salt Trading offers a rich and varied catalog, with a quality service, able to "satisfy" every customer desire. The company can rely on an excellent distribution network and well-organized employees, taking care of every detail in detail, such as packaging, which changes depending on the type of rooms.

There are different qualities and forms of salt. The problem lies in understanding which salt is best suited to your needs. When we buy from companies that sell wholesale rooms it is important to know how to choose the right quality of salt, bulk, up, iodine, tablets, necessary for their own purposes, if ever taking advantage of the assistance service made available by the company same. For example, salt with large grains is useful for quickly melting snow and ice in winter. While the finest salt, combined in small amounts with sodium bicarbonate, proves to be an excellent remedy to whiten the teeth and counteract the proliferation of bacteria.

Among its many uses and characteristics, salt has the power to absorb all the moisture in the air. Therefore, it is always better to keep it in an enclosed and dry place, otherwise you risk the formation of "blocks" of petrified rooms difficult to handle.Food experts have shown that, contrary to what you think, taking the right amount of salt can contribute to the well-being of our body. The vast majority of people know that salt is an element present in nature in large quantities but, at the same time, it underestimates its enormous potential. Our planet is an inexhaustible reserve of "white gold", thanks to the huge expanse of oceanic water that covers two-thirds of the hemisphere, from which we derive the notorious "sea salt".

The use of this salt is, to say the least, infinite: it is used on our tables, to give the right taste to foods; in the food industry, for the long conservation of food so that it does not deteriorate; in the tanning industry, for the processing and treatment of bovine and ovine hides; in the textile industry, to help fabrics retain their colors; finally, the salt is also used for the correct cleaning of the road surface in winter, for example on roads, to counteract the formation of ice and the melting of excess snow.

Buying salt is really a breeze. The most prestigious supermarket chains offer even quite expensive variations of salt. But for the purchase of industrial-type rooms it is necessary to contact "ad-hoc" companies in the wholesale salt trade, such as

The "mission" of this company is to offer any type of rooms for any use. The choice ranges from a variant of thin to iodized salt, up to that of large size or even tablets. Thanks to a great experience gained over the years, Omnia Salt Trading offers a rich and varied catalog, with a quality service, able to "satisfy" every customer desire. The company can rely on an excellent distribution network and well-organized employees, taking care of every detail in detail, such as packaging, which changes depending on the type of rooms.

There are different qualities and forms of salt. The problem lies in understanding which salt is best suited to your needs. When we buy from companies that sell wholesale rooms it is important to know how to choose the right quality of salt, bulk, up, iodine, tablets, necessary for their own purposes, if ever taking advantage of the assistance service made available by the company same. For example, salt with large grains is useful for quickly melting snow and ice in winter. While the finest salt, combined in small amounts with sodium bicarbonate, proves to be an excellent remedy to whiten the teeth and counteract the proliferation of bacteria.

Among its many uses and characteristics, salt has the power to absorb all the moisture in the air. Therefore, it is always better to keep it in an enclosed and dry place, otherwise you risk the formation of "blocks" of petrified rooms difficult to handle.
6/16/2018 01:04:00 PM

Liposuction yes, liposuction no: is it really worth it?

When you start thinking about cosmetic surgery, it is more than normal that you are assailed by doubts, uncertainties and fears. Undergoing an aesthetic treatment, even more if invasive, is an important step that must be carefully weighed by the patient with the help of the specialist, a figure of fundamental importance even in the period that precedes and follows the intervention. Among the aesthetic treatments, one of the most performed is undoubtedly liposuction, an operation that arouses many fears and long reflections in patients.

experiences on liposuction

Liposuction, it is well known, is a rather demanding intervention for the patient because, once the surgery is over, it can cause pain that can last for a few days. This is due to the fact that it is a rather invasive technique, which consists in inserting the appropriate metal canons inside the body, in correspondence of the areas from which it is necessary to remove the fat. This procedure leaves bruises, swellings and pain that can also be quite intense in the early days, and then fade with the passage of time. Everything is completely resolved within 3 weeks, after which the patient can safely return to life as always.

Given these premises, it is easy to imagine how a subject who is thinking of undergoing liposuction can be assailed by insecurity and fear. There are many people who look for experiences on liposuction of those who have already done the surgery to seek confirmation and to dispel the many doubts that arise in the months before the date of treatment. Generally, these perplexities tend to vanish when the subject is confronted with other patients and especially with the specialist, who will clearly illustrate what the risks are and will provide a medical point of view that often will help to dispel bad thoughts.

Regardless of the fact that it is an invasive and painful intervention, the vast majority of people who undergo it are completely satisfied and would recommend it to others. We can therefore say that liposuction is a treat that is worth dealing with if we are looking for a definitive solution to the problem of excess fat, which for many people becomes a nightmare difficult to overcome and overcome.When you start thinking about cosmetic surgery, it is more than normal that you are assailed by doubts, uncertainties and fears. Undergoing an aesthetic treatment, even more if invasive, is an important step that must be carefully weighed by the patient with the help of the specialist, a figure of fundamental importance even in the period that precedes and follows the intervention. Among the aesthetic treatments, one of the most performed is undoubtedly liposuction, an operation that arouses many fears and long reflections in patients.

experiences on liposuction

Liposuction, it is well known, is a rather demanding intervention for the patient because, once the surgery is over, it can cause pain that can last for a few days. This is due to the fact that it is a rather invasive technique, which consists in inserting the appropriate metal canons inside the body, in correspondence of the areas from which it is necessary to remove the fat. This procedure leaves bruises, swellings and pain that can also be quite intense in the early days, and then fade with the passage of time. Everything is completely resolved within 3 weeks, after which the patient can safely return to life as always.

Given these premises, it is easy to imagine how a subject who is thinking of undergoing liposuction can be assailed by insecurity and fear. There are many people who look for experiences on liposuction of those who have already done the surgery to seek confirmation and to dispel the many doubts that arise in the months before the date of treatment. Generally, these perplexities tend to vanish when the subject is confronted with other patients and especially with the specialist, who will clearly illustrate what the risks are and will provide a medical point of view that often will help to dispel bad thoughts.

Regardless of the fact that it is an invasive and painful intervention, the vast majority of people who undergo it are completely satisfied and would recommend it to others. We can therefore say that liposuction is a treat that is worth dealing with if we are looking for a definitive solution to the problem of excess fat, which for many people becomes a nightmare difficult to overcome and overcome.