
Saturday, June 16, 2018

What to do in case of fainting

Svenire is an event that scares everyone, because it involves, even for a few seconds, the loss of knowledge, but the deficit of the senses is a rather frequent event and if it happens it is important to research the causes and listen to the signals that our body is trying to send us. Here then some useful information on fainting and some advice on how to behave if it should happen.

What to do in case of fainting
Science defines it as "syncope" but we all call it fainting. It is a temporary state of loss of consciousness that can have different origins and causes. Svenire, of course, is not normal, but sometimes it can happen only for a condition of high stress, sugar drop or intense sporting activity.

The thought of fainting scares everyone because it is something sudden and a condition in which the body loses consciousness and therefore is no longer masters of their own stimuli and impulses , even if only for a few seconds. Knowing more about the subject and knowing what to do in this eventuality, however, can be of great help, especially if we find ourselves having to help a person who has fainted at home or on the street.

Fainting, however, can also be dangerous, depending on each person's physical and personal condition. But what happens to the body when you faint? Loss of knowledge is instantaneous and while this condition occurs it is very likely that the body will contract; on waking up, in general, those who are caught by fainting have trouble remembering what happened before feeling ill.

The state of confusion and dizziness after a fainting, therefore, is completely normal. What matters, if the situation should occur several times over time, is to contact the family doctor and explain his condition. However, if you happen to witness a fainting of a person on the street it is absolutely essential to provide assistance and possibly call 118 to ensure the victim the right assistance.

First of all it is essential to recognize if it is actually fainting . Syncope, in fact, presents these three characteristics:

Loss of conscience lasts a few seconds , averaging 15 seconds, sometimes a few minutes. Recovery, in case of fainting, always occurs spontaneously.
Generally the fainting is always accompanied by a loss of balance which then leads to the fall
Loss of consciousness, and therefore fainting, must be caused by a reduction in blood flow to the brain . This is why, for example, a glycemic drop can not be classified as syncope.
When fainting occurs it means that blood flow to the brain decreases . Obviously, the underlying cause of this event can be of various kinds, such as a cardiac type of difficulty, when the heart is therefore under stress, or a simple moment of fatigue and stress due to psychological reasons. All of us are potentially at risk of fainting and there is not a precise category of subjects more predisposed to this kind of events.

Immediately before the fainting the affected person will experience a feeling of confusion and dizziness , which precede the loss of consciousness proper. Accompanying these symptoms can also be vertigo, an altered perception of sound and vision and tingling.

If you happen to be fainting and you need to help a person involved, there are some things that you should know about it. The first thing to do in this case is to restore the circulation of blood to the brain . The person must be extended and must have the head at the same level of the heart, possibly with the legs raised . If the state of unconsciousness persists, contact 118 immediately and ask for help. While waiting for help, follow the operator's directions and keep the victim in the indicated position.

If fainting occurs as a result of an episode of vomiting , try not to be alarmed. It could indeed be a side effect linked to an abnormal situation of the organism. This eventuality is considered rather rare, but in any case it is good to be prepared for any eventuality.

At other times it is also possible that, despite the loss of knowledge , a person faint keeps his eyes open . The person then appears with his eyes lost in the void and, even in this case, it is a loss of knowledge with the subject who is completely unable to respond to any external stimulus.

Fainting during pregnancy

Among the symptoms of pregnancy, there is also fainting, an unusual event that usually occurs because the inferior vena cava, which carries blood to the heart, is compressed. As well as vertigo, fainting is also a rather frequent occurrence in pregnancy , due in the majority of cases to a drop in blood sugar or as a natural consequence in those affected by anemia.

Other times, during pregnancy, the person responsible for fainting may be diabetes , or other causes may occur, but it is up to the doctor to diagnose with certainty. What matters is to communicate to your gynecologist any type of disorder so that the doctor can draw a picture as precise as possible about pregnancy.

We have said that anyone can faint and that there are no subjects that are more at risk than others. Sometimes, however, there may be factors that surely predispose a subject to fainting ; those suffering from anemia, for example, will have an organism that is certainly weaker than a person who is not affected and this can expose more to events of this type. What to do in this case?

In addition to pharmacological therapies, which are exclusively for the doctor to administer, even herbs that have special beneficial properties can be useful in case you suffer from weakness that can lead to fainting in the most exasperated situations.

The Ginko Biloba , for example, rich in bio-flavonoids is very useful in case of fainting and improves blood circulation. Even Melissa is a plant indicated in case of fainting; It has soothing properties for the circulatory system and is perfect for relaxing during periods of high stress.

The gnatia is instead recommended in situations of particular nervousness and to combat weakness and pain. The Pulsatilla is particularly useful, however, if the fainting is caused by hormonal factors.

Herbs can offer great benefits, it is true, but it is good to remember that, especially in case of pregnancy , it is always good to consult your doctor before taking any preparation. It is well known, in fact, that some medicinal herbs have the power to cancel the effect of some drugs.

Is it possible to prevent fainting? In theory the answer is no; being a sudden manifestation that indicates that something in the body is not working at that moment fainting can seize even when we least expect it . But if we know with certainty, from the medical point of view, what causes episodes of fainting, you can try to stem the phenomenon . For example, keeping your blood sugar level stable can be a good way to try to prevent fainting. Even eating regularly , without skipping meals, is essential to avoid having sudden changes that can cause a fainting.

Try to imagine making a huge effort in the morning, as soon as you wake up and without having breakfast. In this case you may experience a dizziness and a sudden drop in sugar that could lead to fainting. It is also important to change the diet and make sure to include foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet .

Often in front of the sudden fainting of someone who is close to us scares for the simple reason that not everyone knows how to behave in these cases. Knowing what to do and how to do it is always useful and also helps those who are in the position of having to help to stay calm and remain lucid. Here then a brief guide of the correct behavior and not in case of fainting.

Support the victim during fainting and accompany the fall if possible to avoid head injuries
Place the victim in a supine position
Loosen any clothing that may cause obstruction , such as a tie and scarf
Raise the lower limbs , but ONLY if you are sure that there is no trauma to the spine and the victim has not fainted as a result of a traffic accident. In this case the person must not be moved for any reason before the rescue arrives
Cover the victim with a blanket if you are outdoors and the weather is harsh
Do not try to revive the victim by shaking , slapping or giving alcohol
when the victim regains consciousness, do not raise her but keep her in the supine position until she is able to stand up alone

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